The Afghan National Security Forces provide humanitarian aid to the population of Obeh, with the support of ISAF Regional Command West.(Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

26 New border police and customs agents graduate with the Italian Guardia di Finanza. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

26 New border police and customs agents graduate with the Italian Guardia di Finanza.(Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

HERAT, Afghanistan (May 6) -- Italian police of the Guardia di Finanza teaching a practical lesson to the new Afghan Agents. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

HERAT, Afghanistan (May 6) -- Because of the importance to the Afghan people, the courses organized by the Guardia di Finanza include several aspects of customs and border protection. Courses include criminal law, police powers, customs, dealing with contraband and measures against the illegal export of capital. In addition, trainers instruct agents trainees on concepts of international law and civic culture, as well as on legislation against corruption of public officials. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

HERAT, Afghanistan (May 6) -- Italian police of the Guardia di Finanza teaching a practical lesson to the new Afghan Agents. ISAF Press Office.

Afghan recruits begin a police academy course in Ghazni, Apr. 2010. Polish personnel will assist Afghan instructors during the six week training program. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

Afghan recruits begin a police academy course in Ghazni, Apr. 2010. Polish personnel will assist Afghan instructors during the six week training program. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

The Afghan National Security Forces provide humanitarian aid to the population of Obeh, with the support of ISAF Regional Command West. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

Afghan Commandos from the newly trained 8th Kandak cheer during a speech at their graduation ceremony May 5 at Camp Morehead. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Sara J. Yoke)

Attendees of the 8th Kandak Command graduation stand and salute during the Afghan national anthem on May 5. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Sara J. Yoke)

A helicopter carrying the Afghan Army Chief of Staff prepares to land at Camp Morehead. Gen. Bismuall Khan addressed 907 graduating Commandos during the 8th Kandak graduation at their training site near Kabul May 5. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)

A helicopter carrying the Afghan Army Chief of Staff prepares to land at Camp Morehead. Gen. Bismuall Khan addressed 907 graduating Commandos during the 8th Kandak graduation at their training site near Kabul May 5. (Photo by ISAF Public Affairs)
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