See also:

A limo driver has the logo for the 2010 IMF/World Bank annual meeting reflected in his sunglasses as he waits for the Dutch delegation to depart. IMF Photo/Cliff Owen

October 7, 2010 - Washignton, D.C. World Bank Group President Robert Zoellick press conference at the 2010 IMF/World Bank Group Annual Meetings.

October 09, 2010 - Washington DC., IMF/World Bank 2010 Annual Meetings. Development Committee press briefing. World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick; Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director IMF

October 09, 2010 - Washington DC., IMF/World Bank 2010 Annual Meetings. Development Committee press briefing. World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick; Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director IMF(shown)

October 8, 2010 - Washington, D. C. 2010 Fund/World Bank Annual Meetings: Opening session of the Plenary at Constitution Hall. Photo by: Ryan Rayburn/ World Bank

Delegates listen to International Monetary Fund's Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn speaking at the start of the 2010 IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings Plenary Session at DAR Constitution Hall October 8, 2010 in Washington, DC. The IMF/World Bank Meetings are being held in Washington, DC this week which will host Finance Ministers and Bank Governors from 187 countries. IMF Photograph/Stephen Jaffe

International Monetary Fund's Dominique Strauss-Kahn speaks at the Development Committee October 9, 2010 at theWorld Bank Building in Washington, DC. The IMF/World Bank Meetings are being held in Washington, DC this week which will host Finance Ministers and Bank Governors from 187 countries. IMF Photograph/Stephen Jaffe

Members of the International Monetary and Financial Committee listen to the Chairman and Egyptian Finance Minister Youssef Bourtos-Ghali as they meet October 9, 2010 at the IMF Headquarters in Washington, DC. The IMF/World Bank Meetings are being held in Washington, DC this week which will host Finance Ministers and Bank Governors from 187 countries. IMF Photograph/Stephen Jaffe

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, center left, talks with Spanish Finance Minister Elena Salgado as the IMF Governors gather for a group photo in Washington, D.C. IMF Photo/Cliff Owen

Members of the Commonwealth Secretariat pose for a group photograph October 8, 2010 at the IMF Headquarters in Washington, DC. The IMF/World Bank Meetings are being held in Washington, DC this week which will host Finance Ministers and Bank Governors from 187 countries. IMF Photograph/Stephen Jaffe

October 7, 2010 - Washington, D.C. National Geographic Channel's Great Migrations presentation with World Bank Group President Robert Zoellick, Actor/Producer Pierce Brosnan and Pesident and CEO of National Geographic Global Media Tim Kelly.

October 7, 2010 Washington DC Advance Film Screening: National Geographic Film "Great Migrations" Ð Speakers include World Bank President, Robert Zoellick; President and CEO of National Geographic Global Television, Tim Kelly; and celebrated actor and environmentalist, Pierce Brosnan

WASHINGTON, October 6, 2010ÑThe World Bank wants to expand to Haiti and Yemen an international public-private initiative that helps adolescent girls and young women improve their lives and economic prospects, World Bank Group PresidentÊRobert B. Zoellick announced today.

WASHINGTON, October 6, 2010—The World Bank wants to expand to Haiti and Yemen an international public-private initiative that helps adolescent girls and young women improve their lives and economic prospects, World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick announced today. Photo: © Roxana Bravo / World Bank

Christy Turlington October 06, 2010 - The World Bank wants to expand to Haiti and Yemen an international public-private initiative that helps adolescent girls and young women improve their lives and economic prospects, World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick announced today.
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