The following is a complete list of the names and phone numbers of the sixty-two DHS Intelligence Officers deployed to fusion centers throughout the United States and the six Regional Directors of the national fusion center network. This information is believed to be current as of December 2010. For a detailed list of the actual physical locations of fusion centers around the country, see:
Intelligence Officers and Regional Directors Contact List by Region
- 4 pages
- December 2010
Region | First Name | Last Name | Title | Assigned Fusion Center | Mobile Phone | Work Phone |
Central Region | ||||||
Chris | Dishman | Regional Director | Central Regional HQ | 202-701-7582 | 202-701-7582 | |
Norm | Lieberman | Intelligence Officer | Colorado Information Analysis Center | 720-852-6719 | 303-319-9674 | |
Elvin | Ehrhardt | Intelligence Officer | Wyoming Criminal Intelligence Center | 307-286-1092 | 307-777-6615 | |
Wendy | Friedrich | Intelligence Officer | Montana All Threats Intelligence Center | 406-431-8151 | 406-431-8151 | |
John | Hall | Intelligence Officer | Houston Regional Information Sharing Center | 713-884-4710 | 830-719-1916 | |
Jason | Kirk | Intelligence Officer | Oklahoma Information Fusion Center | 202-306-8993 | 405-879-2639 | |
Jerry | McNinch | Intelligence Officer | Nebraska Information Analysis Center | 202-579-6276 | 402-479-4067 | |
Matthew | Speer | Intelligence Officer | South Dakota Fusion Center | 605-222-7944 | 202-617-9605 | |
Roger | Stokes | Intelligence Officer | North Central Texas Fusion Center | 202-503-7645 | 214-491-6891 | |
Ryan | Wentz | Intelligence Officer | North Dakota Fusion Center | 701-202-8232 | 866-885-8295 | |
Midwest Region | ||||||
Robert | Vehe | Regional Director | Midwest Regional HQ | 202-536-6147 | 313-745-5925 | |
Jeff | Van Gordon | Intelligence Officer | Michigan Intelligence Operations Center | 517-335-1844 | 202-281-6512 | |
Michael | Tesar | Intelligence Officer | St. Louis Terrorism Early Warning Group | 202-713-7681 | 314-615-4839 | |
Paul | Godlewski | Intelligence Officer | Kansas City Regional Terrorism Early Warning Group | 816-260-1216 | 816-260-1216 | |
Patrick | Friscone | Intelligence Officer | Strategic Analysis and Information Center | 614-799-3559 | 614-301-4654 | |
Earl | Rose IV | Intelligence Officer | Kentucky Intelligence Fusion Center | 202-384-2831 | 502-564-2081 | |
Robert | Kelley | Intelligence Officer | Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center | 608-609-0407 | 608-240-3598 | |
Jeff | Wiser | Intelligence Officer | Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center | 317-408-8626 | 317-234-4950 | |
Jerry | Davis | Intelligence Officer | Missouri Information Analysis Center | 573-313-1984 | 573-522-2651 | |
Jason | Clark | Intelligence Officer | Crime Prevention and Information Center | 312-550-6620 | 312-550-6620 | |
Eric | Thomas | Intelligence Officer | Southeastern Wisconsin Terrorism Alert Center | 414-232-9769 | 414-232-9769 | |
Cami | Brurud | Intelligence Officer | Minnesota Joint Analysis Center | 202-557-1723 | 612-373-2853 | |
William | Bond | Intelligence Officer | Statewide Terrorism Intelligence Center | 217-216-0366 | 217-557-9301 | |
Tom | Riggs | Intelligence Officer | Iowa Intelligence Fusion Center | 202-870-7586 | 515-725-6315 | |
National Capital Region | ||||||
Roger | Blair | Regional Director (Acting) | Washington Regional Threat Analysis Center | 202-680-4057 | 202-680-4057 | |
Matt | Cyr | Intelligence Officer | Virginia Fusion Center | 804-201-5527 | 804-674-2252 | |
Sean | McClosky | Intelligence Officer | National Capital Region Intelligence Center | 703-673-8578 | 703-212-4585 | |
Luis | Feliciano | Intelligence Officer | Delaware Valley Regional Intelligence Center | 215-589-2402 | 215-685-1171 | |
Todd | Karpel | Intelligence Officer | Delaware Information Analysis Center | 302-339-5769 | 302-339-5769 | |
Brain | Moynihan | Intelligence Officer | Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center | 202-380-2652 | 202-380-2652 | |
Eric | Sampley | Intelligence Officer | West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center | 304-590-2859 | 304-558-4831 | |
Northeast Region | ||||||
Lisa | Palmieri | Regional Director (Acting) | Commonwealth Fusion Center | 202-306-4088 | 978-451-3713 | |
Marty | Foncello | Intelligence Officer | New York Counter Terrorism Division | 202-870-4311 | 203-313-4266 | |
Tim | Bailey | Intelligence Officer | New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center | 202-834-2947 | 603-271-2231 | |
Mohamed | Telab | Intelligence Officer | Regional Operations Intelligence Center | 202-617-5039 | ||
Quinn | Sullivan | Intelligence Officer | Boston Regional Intelligence Center | 202-684-5189 | 203-503-5250 | |
Peter | Payson | Intelligence Officer | Connecticut Intelligence Center | 860-461-5706 | 860-856-0859 | |
Chris | Palmadesso | Intelligence Officer | Vermont Fusion Center | 802-272-2840 | 802-872-6119 | |
Thomas | Nowak | Intelligence Officer | Maine Information and Analysis Center | 207-402-0778 | 207-624-7280 | |
Kerri | Morgan | Intelligence Officer | New York State Intelligence Center | 202-657-8391 | 518-786-24-99 | |
Dawn | Mannix | Intelligence Officer | Rhode Island Fusion Center | 401-474-9421 | 401-458-1191 | |
Southeast Region | ||||||
Eric | Kennedy | Regional Director | Southeast Regional HQ | 202-680-2263 | 404-486-6420 | |
Vince | Smith | Intelligence Officer | South Carolina Information and Intelligence Center | 803-896-7394 | 202-669-0151 | |
Charles | Hearn | Intelligence Officer | Alabama Fusion Center | 334-531-0370 | 334-517-2664 | |
Corey | Beaman | Intelligence Officer | Arkansas State Fusion Center | 501-618-8437 | 501-353-8437 | |
Brian | Gray | Intelligence Officer | Mississippi Analysis and Information Center | 601-978-0594 | 601-993-7200 | |
Mark | Glass | Intelligence Officer | FL Dept of Law Enforcement - Florida Fusion Center | 850-445-1241 | 850-893-2184 | |
David | Walker | Intelligence Officer | Georgia Intelligence and Analysis Center | 404-370-2049 | 404-486-6431 | |
Pete | Van Deusen | Intelligence Officer | Central Florida Intelligence Exchange | 321-246-4116 | 407-858-3870 | |
Toby | Coates | Intelligence Officer | Louisiana State Analytic and Fusion Exchange | 225-892-2766 | 225-925-3678 | |
Ron | Hughes | Intelligence Officer | Tennessee Fusion Center | 615-925-0783 | 615-744-4079 | |
Miguel | Flores | Intelligence Officer | Miami Dade Fusion Center | 305-470-3883 | 786-376-4588 | |
Nick | Klem | Intelligence Officer | North Carolina Information Sharing and Analysis Center | 202-557-5179 | 919-716-1118 | |
Western Region | ||||||
Matt | Skonovd | Regional Director (Acting) | Central California Intelligence Center | 916-468-3060 | 916-920-3890 | |
Bob | Rankin | Intelligence Officer | Arizona Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center | 602-228-9043 | 602-644-5861 | |
Ashley | Anderson | Intelligence Officer | Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center | 562-544-1736 | 562-345-1117 | |
Scott | Cleary | Intelligence Officer | Pacific Regional Information Clearinghouse | 808-282-0505 | 808-282-0505 | |
Dan | Thornton | Intelligence Officer | Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center | 208-280-1768 | 208-280-1768 | |
Matthew | Chebatoris | Intelligence Officer | Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center | 714-287-1520 | ||
Chris | Carver | Intelligence Officer | Nevada Threat Analysis Center | 775-315-5985 | 775-687-0309 | |
Mary | Moffitt | Intelligence Officer | Oregon TITAN Fusion Center | 503-550-3971 | 503-593-9770 | |
Raphael | Brinner | Intelligence Officer | Northern California Regional Intelligence Center | 415-238-3794 | 415-238-3794 | |
James | Szrama | Intelligence Officer | Washington State Fusion Center | 202-536-7691 | 206-262-2133 | |
Tony | Frangipane | Intelligence Officer | San Diego Law Enforcement Coordination Center | 858-740-1099 | 858-495-7277 | |
Kevin | Bennett | Intelligence Officer | California State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center | 916-365-5710 | 916-365-5710 | |
David | Neel | Intelligence Officer | Alaska Information and Analysis Center | 907-301-1125 | 907-265-8123 | |
Francis | Miller | Intelligence Officer | Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center | 202-713-0006 | 202-713-0006 | |
Jamison | Moody | Intelligence Officer | Statewide Information and Analysis Center | 801-834-2951 | 801-256-2360 |
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