The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
St. Simons Island Conference, USA
15-17 February 1957
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands
Honorary Secretary: J. H. Retinger
United States Honorary Secretary: Joseph E. Johnson
Participant Name | Nationality |
*Aron, Raymond | France |
Astor, The Honorable F. D. L. | United Kingdom |
Ball, George W. | United States |
Berg, Fritz | Germany |
Birgi, Muharrem Nuri | Turkey |
Black, Eugene R. | United States |
Bowie, Robert R. | United States |
Bundy, McGeorge | United States |
Christiansen, Hakon | Denmark |
Cisler, Walker | United States |
Commin, Pierre | France |
Cooke, B. D. | United Kingdom |
Dean, Arthur H. | United States |
Dewey, Thomas E. | United States |
Elliot, Sir William | United Kingdom |
Erler, Fritz | Germany |
*Fanfani, Amintore | Italy |
Ferguson, John | United States |
Fulbright, J. William | United States |
Garde, Jean de la | France |
Gordon, Lincoln | United States |
Gubbins, Sir Colin | United Kingdom |
Hafstad, Lawrence R. | United States |
Hauge, Jens Christian | Norway |
Hays, Brooks | United States |
Healey, Denis W. | United Kingdom |
Heeney, Arnold D. P. | Canada |
Heilperin, Michael A. | United States |
Heinz, Henry J., II | United States |
Hoegh, Leif | Norway |
Hoffman, Paul G. | United States |
Jackson, C. D. | United States |
Jackson, William H. | United States |
Jacobsson, Per | Sweden |
Kennan, George F. | United States |
Kiesinger, Kurt-Georg | Germany |
Kilmuir, Viscount | United Kingdom |
Kissinger, Henry A. | United States |
Lieftinck, Pieter | Netherlands |
Longo, Imbriani | Italy |
*Malagodi, Giovanni F. | Italy |
Martin, Paul | Canada |
*McCloy, John J. | United States |
McDonald, David J. | United States |
McGhee, George C. | United States |
McGill, Ralph E. | United States |
*Menderes, Adnan | Turkey |
Menne, Alexander W. | Germany |
Mueller, Rudolf | Germany |
Murphy, Robert D. | United States |
Nash, Frank C. | United States |
Nebolsine, George | United States |
Nitze, Paul H. | United States |
*Noble, Allan | United Kingdom |
Patterson, Morehead | United States |
Pinay, Antoine | France |
Price, Don K. | United States |
Roberts, Henry Lithgow | United States |
Rockefeller, David | United States |
van Roijen, J. H. | Netherlands |
Rusk, Dean | United States |
Rykens, Paul | Netherlands |
Steel, J. L. S. | United Kingdom |
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays | United States |
Terkelsen, Terkel M. | Denmark |
Vorys, John M. | United States |
Wallenberg, Marcus | Sweden |
Wilde, Frazar B. | United States |
Wiley, Alexander | United States |
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto | Germany |
Wren, W. T. | United Kingdom |
van Zeeland, Paul | Belgium |
de Graaff, F. A. | Netherlands |
Pomian, John | United Kingdom |
*Participants who had accepted the invitation but were eventually unable to attend.
February 15-17, 1957 – St. Simons Island, Georgia
I. Nationalism and neutralism as disruptive factors inside Western Alliances.
II. The Middle East.
III. The European policy of the Alliance, with special reference to the problems of Eastern Europe, German reunification, and military strategy.
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