The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
Buxton Conference, England
13-15 September 1958
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands
Honorary Secretary: J. H. Retinger
United States Honorary Secretary: Joseph E. Johnson
Participant Name | Nationality |
Abs, Herman J. | Germany |
Acheson, Dean | United States |
Agnelli, Giovanni | Italy |
Ball, George W. | United States |
Barbour, Walworth | United States |
Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. | France |
Beddington-Behrens, Sir Edward | United Kingdom |
Beitz, Berthold | Germany |
Berg, Fritz | Germany |
Birgi, Muharrem Nuri | Turkey |
Blaisse, P.A. | Netherlands |
Boden, James C. | Germany |
Boheman, Erik | Sweden |
Brauer, Max | Germany |
Burgess, W. Randolph | United States |
Camu, Louis | Belgium |
Carli, Guido | Italy |
Case, Clifford P. | United States |
Cavendish-Bentick, Victor | United Kingdom |
Cochrane, Sir Ralph | United Kingdom |
Dethleffsen, Erich | Germany |
Erler, Fritz | Germany |
Ferguson, John | United States |
Gaitskell, H.T.N. | United Kingdom |
Gordon, Walter L. | Canada |
Grimond, Joseph | United Kingdom |
Gubbins, Sir Colin | United Kingdom |
Hallstein, Walther | International |
Harsch, Joseph C. | United States |
Hauge, Gabriel | United States |
Healey, Denis | United Kingdom |
Heilperin, Michael A. | United States |
Heinz II, H.J. | United States |
Hoegh, Leif | Norway |
Jackson, Charles D. | United States |
Kilmuir, Viscount | United Kingdom |
Kleffens, E.N. van | Netherlands |
Knollys, Viscount | U.K. |
Kraft, Ole B. | Denmark |
Kristensen, Thorkil | Denmark |
Malagodi, Giovanni F. | Italy |
McCloy, John J. | United States |
McGhee, George C. | United States |
Mosely, Philip E. | United States |
Motz, Roger | Belgium |
Mueller, Rudolf | Germany |
Neal, Alfred C. | United States |
Nebolsine, George | United States |
Nitze, Paul H. | United States |
Ormsby-Gore, David | United Kingdom |
Otten, P.F.S. | Netherlands |
Pipinelis, P.N. | Greece |
Pirelli, Alberto | Italy |
Quaroni, Pietro | Italy |
Roberts, Sir Alfred | United Kingdom |
Rockefeller, David | United States |
Ross, Michael | United States |
Rueff, Jacques | |
Rykans, Paul | Netherlands |
Schmid, Carlo | Germany |
Schuyler, C.V.R. | International |
Steele, J.L.S. | United Kingdom |
Terkelsen, Terkel M. | Denmark |
Tiarks, Henry | United Kingdom |
Vermeer, Every A. | Netherlands |
Wallenberg, Marcus | Sweden |
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto | Germany |
van Zeeland, Paul | Belgium |
Zellerbach, J.D. | United States |
September 13-15, 1958 – Palace Hotel, Buxton, England
I. The future of N.A.T.O. Defense.
II. Western economic co-operation, with special reference to the political consequences of the existence of separate currency areas within the Western world and to the Soviet economic challenge in the underdeveloped countries.
III. The Western approach to Soviet Russia and Communism.
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