The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
22-24 April 1977
Lord Home of the Hirsel, K. T.
Ernst H. van der Beugel
William P. Bundy
C. Frits Karsten
Participant Name | Nationality |
Aaron, David | United States |
Agnelli, Giovanni | Italy |
Androsch, Hannes | Austria |
Anselmi, Tima | Italy |
Ball, George W. | United States |
Bennett, Sir Frederic | United Kingdom |
Bennett, Jack F. | United States |
Berthoin, Georges | France |
Beyazit, Selahattin | Turkey |
Birgi, M. Nuri | Turkey |
Bratteli, Trygve | Norway |
Carli, Guido | Italy |
Cittadini, Cesi, Il Mrchese | Italy |
Collado, Emilio G. | United States |
Cooper, Richard N. | United States |
Cot, Jean Pierre | France |
Dahrendorf, Ralf | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Davignon, Vicomte Etienne | International |
Dohnanyi, Klaus von | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Ducci, Roberto | Italy |
Duisenberg, Willem F. | The Netherlands |
Elton, Lord | United Kingdom |
Finley, Murray H. | United States |
Finney, Paul B. | United States |
Fitzgerald, Garret | Ireland |
Forte, Sir Charles | United Kingdom |
Fraga Iribarne, Manuel | Spain |
Glisenti, Marcella | Italy |
Griffin, Anthony G.S. | Canada |
Guichard, Olivier | France |
Hager, Wolfgang H. | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Halberstadt, Victor | The Netherlands |
Hall, Sir Arnold | United Kingdom |
Hallgrimsson, Geir | Iceland |
Heinz, Henry J. II | United States |
Henderson, R. | United Kingdom |
Igler, Hans | Austria |
Janssen, Daniel E. | Belgium |
Johnson, Joseph E. | United States |
Joseph, Sir Keith | United Kingdom |
Kiep, Walther L. | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Kirkland, Joseph L. | United States |
Kissinger, Henry A. | United States |
Knight, Sir Arthur | United Kingdom |
Kohnstamm, Max | International |
LaLonde, Marc | Canada |
Lambert, Baron | Belgium |
Lennep, Jonkheer Emile van | International |
Lever, Harold | United Kingdom |
Linder, Willy | Switzerland |
Liotard-Vogt, Pierre | Switzerland |
Lundvall, Bjorn | Sweden |
Luns, Joseph M. A. H. | International |
Macadam, Peter | United Kingdom |
MacIntosh, Robert M. | Canada |
MacLaury, Bruce K. | United States |
McDonald, Alonzo L., Jr. | United States |
Medeiros Ferreira, Jose de | Portugal |
Miller, Joseph Irwin | United States |
Montbrial, Thierry de | France |
Nielsen, Sivert A. | Norway |
Norlund, Niels | Denmark |
Nott, John | United Kingdom |
Oetker, Arend | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Orr, David A. | United Kingdom |
Ortoli, Francois X. | International |
Pennock, Raymond W. | United Kingdom |
Regan, G. A. | Canada |
Roberts, Sir Frank K. | United Kingdom |
Rockefeller, David | United States |
Roll, Sir Eric | United Kingdom |
Rossi, Reino | Finland |
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de | France |
Salmon, Pierre | France |
Sartori, Carlo | Italy |
Schmidt, Helmut | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Shackleton, Lord | United Kingdom |
Sickinghe, Jonkheer Feyo O. J. | The Netherlands |
Simonet, Henri | Belgium |
Snoy et dOppuers, Baron | Belgium |
Sommer, Theo | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Sorensen, Svend O. | Denmark |
Stavropoulos, Constantin A. | Greece |
Steel, David E.C. | United Kingdom |
Taylor, Arthur | United States |
Terkelsen, Terkel M. | Denmark |
Thurow, Lester C. | United States |
Tidemand, Otto G. | Norway |
Treichl, Heinrich | Austria |
Umbricht, Victor H. | Switzerland |
Wallenberg, Marcus | Sweden |
Warburg, Sir Siegmund | United Kingdom |
Wickman, Krister | Sweden |
Wilkins, Graham J. | United Kingdom |
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Bjarnason, Bjorn | Iceland |
Tsounis, Panayotis A. | Greece |
Getchell, Charles W., Jr. | United States |
Pitti-Ferrandi, Robert | France |
April 22-24, 1977 – Torquay, England
I. North American and Western European attitudes towards:
II. The future of the mixed economies in the Western democracies
III. The Third World’s demand for restructuring the world order and the political implications of these attitudes
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