The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
27-29 April 1979
Lord Home of the Hirsel, K. T.
Ernst H. van der Beugel
William P. Bundy
Participant Name | Nationality |
Agnelli, Giovanni | Italy |
Androsch, Hannes | Austria |
Apfalter, Herlbert | Austria |
Avon, The Earl of | United Kingdom |
Ball, George W. | U.S.A. |
Barattieri, Vittorio | Italy |
Bennett, Sir Frederic | United Kingdom |
Bertram, Christoph | International |
Beullac, Christian | France |
Beyazit, Selahattin | Turkey |
Breuel, Birgit | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Broesigke, Tassilo | Austria |
Brown, L. Dean | U.S.A. |
Carras, Costa | Greece |
Chafee, John H. | U.S.A. |
Christophersen, Henning | Denmark |
Cittadini Cesi, Il Marchese | Italy |
Constancio, Vitor M. R. | Portugal |
Dallinger, Alfred | Austria |
Duisenberg, Willem F. | Netherlands |
Eliot, Theodore L., Jr. | U.S.A. |
Esambert, Bernard | France |
Finney, Paul B. | U.S.A. |
Fischer, Heinz | Austria |
Foltz, William J. | U.S.A. |
Fredericks, Wayne J. | U.S.A. |
Gerber, Fritz | Switzerland |
Getz Wold, Knut | Norway |
Halberstadt, Victor | Netherlands |
Hartman, Arthur A. | U.S.A. |
Haussmann, Helmut | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Heinz, Henry J., II | U.S.A. |
Herrhausen, Alfred | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Igler, Hans | Austria |
Janssen, Daniel E. | Belgium |
Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. | U.S.A. |
Kind, Christian | Switzerland |
Kohnstamm, Max | International |
Kreisky, Bruno | Austria |
Lambert, Baron | Belgium |
Lanc, Erwin | Austria |
Leibenfrost, Franz J. | Austria |
Lennep, Jhr. Emile van | International |
Levy, Walter J. | U.S.A. |
Lewis, Bernard | United Kingdom |
Lewis, Flora | U.S.A. |
Lundvall, D. Bjorn H. | Sweden |
Luns, Joseph M.A.H. | International |
Macdonald, Donald S. | Canada |
Macmillan, Maurice | United Kingdom |
McGiffert, David E. | U.S.A. |
Monod, M. Jerome | France |
Montbrial, Thierry de | France |
Nelissen, Roelof J. | Netherlands |
Neufeld, Edward P. | Canada |
Newsom, David D. | U.S.A. |
Norlund, Niels | Denmark |
Pahr, Willibald | Austria |
Pitti-Ferrandi, Robert | France |
Portisch, Hugo | Austria |
Prinzhorn, Thomas | Austria |
Rastoul, Jacques | Canada |
Rockefeller, David | U.S.A. |
Rohwedder, Detlev | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Roll of Ipsden, Lord | United Kingdom |
Romero-Maura, Joaquin | Spain |
Roosa, Robert V. | U.S.A. |
Savory, Roger M. | Canada |
Seilliere, Ernest A. | France |
Shackleton, Lord | United Kingdom |
Sheinkman, Jacob | U.S.A. |
Silvestri, Stefano | Italy |
Simonet, Henry F. | Belgium |
Sommer, Theo | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Steel, Sir David | United Kingdom |
Steen, Reiulf | Norway |
Steiner, Ludwig | Austria |
Taus, Josef | Austria |
Taylor, Arthur R. | U.S.A. |
Thorn, Gaston | Luxembourg |
Tidemand, Otto G. | Norway |
Treichl, Heinrich | Austria |
Tufarelli, Nicola | Ital |
Ullsten, Ola | Sweden |
Umbricht, Victor H. | Switzerland |
Vranitzky, Franz | Austria |
Wallenberg, Marcus | Sweden |
Williams, Franklin H. | U.S.A. |
Williams, Joseph H. | U.S.A. |
Wohlin, Lars | Sweden |
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Ypersele de Strihou, Jacques van | Belgium |
Schoser, Franz | Fed. Rep. of Germany |
Schwarzenberg, Erbprinz Karl | Austria |
Zimmer-Lehmann, Georg | Austria |
Cordt, Herbert | Austria |
Getchell, Charles | U.S.A. |
Heine-Geldern, Thomas | Austria |
April 27-29, 1979 – Baden, Austria
I. The present international monetary situation and its consequences for world economic cooperation
A. The Bretton Woods System and the Role of the Dollar
B. Exchange Rates: Fixed or Floating?
C. “Stateless Currency” and the Euromarkets
D. The European Monetary System
E. What Future for the I.M.F.?
F. Multilateral Cooperation and Harmonization
G. Monetary Implications of the Oil Situation
II. The implications of instability in the Middle East and Africa for the Western world.
A. The Iranian Revolution
B. The Arab-Israeli Conflict
C. Turkey: Again the Sick Man
D. The Oil Imbroglio
E. Islam, the Third World, and the West
F. Security Considerations
G. The Republic of South Africa and Namibia
H. Rhodesia-Zimbabwe
I. Economic Considerations
III. Other current issues bearing on European-American relations
A. Relations with the Communist Powers
B. “The German Question”
C. The Austrian Example
D. Transatlantic Moods and Attitudes
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