The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
14-16 May 1982
Walter Scheel*
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Willem F. Duisenberg*
President, De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
DEN | Tage Andersen | Managing Director and Chief Executive, Den Danske Bank |
USA | Dwayne O. Andreas | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Archer Daniels Midland Co. |
AUS | Hannes Androsch* | Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors, Creditanstalt-Bankverein |
FRG | Egon Bahr | Member of Parliament; Author Working Paper, Session II |
USA | George W. Ball** | Senior Managing Director, Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc. |
GRE | Maria Becket | Former Advisor to Ministers of Coordination and Foreign Affairs |
USA | Jack F. Bennett* | Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation |
FR | Georges Berthoin | European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission |
INT | Christoph Bertram* | Director, The International Institute for Strategic Studies; Author Working Paper Session II |
NETH | Ernst H. van der Beugel** | Professor of International Relations, Leyden University; Director of Companies |
TUR | Selahattin Beyazit* | Director of Companies |
ICE | Bjorn Bjarnason | Political Journalist, Morgunbladid |
NOR | Gro Harlem Brundtland | Member of Parliament, Former Prime Minister |
AUS | Erhard Busek | Deputy Mayor of Vienna; Former Secretary General O.V.P. |
GRE | Costa Carras* | Member of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners |
SPA | Jaime Carvajal Urquijo | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Banco Urquijo |
FIN | C. Fredrik K. Castren | President and Chief Executive Officer, Kyml Kymmene Oy |
CAN | Jean Chretien | Minister of Justice and Attorney General |
DEN | Henning Christophersen | Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee |
NETH | Wisse Dekker | President, Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken |
CAN | Paul Desmarais | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada |
CAN | William A. Dimma | President, A.E. LePage Ltd. and Board Chairman, Polysar Ltd. |
USA | Hermann F. Eilts | University Professor of International Relations, Research Professor of History and Political Science, Boston University; Author Working Paper Session III |
USA | Murray H. Finley* | President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union |
USA | Paul B. Finney* | Editorial Director, Thomson Magazines |
FR | Jean Francois-Poncet | Former Minister of Foreign Affairs |
NOR | Knut Frydenlund | Member of Parliament; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs |
USA | Evan G. Galbraith | U.S. Ambassador to France |
USA | Charles Getchell* | Lawyer and Trustee |
USA | Meg Greenfield | Editorial Page Editor, The Washington Post |
SWE | Sten Gustafsson* | Managing Director, SAB-SCANIA AB |
ICE | Geir Hallgrimsson* | Member of Parliament, Former Prime Minister |
SWI | Fritz Halm | Chairman of the Board of Directors, SIG Swiss Industrial Company; Chairman, Swiss Employers Union |
USA | Robert A. Hanson | President and Chief Operating Officer, Deere & Company |
USA | Henry J. Heinz II** | Chairman of the Board, H.J. Heinz Company; President, American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc. |
FRG | Alfred Herrhausen* | Managing Director, Deutsche Bank AG |
DEN | Erik Hoffmeyer | Chairman of the Board of Governors, Denmarks Nationalbank |
USA | Karen E. House | Washington Correspondent, The Wall Street Journal |
UK | Robin Ibbs | Executive Director, Imperial Chemical Industries; Former Head, Central Policy Review Staff, Cabinet Office |
AUS | Hans Igler* | Partner, Schoeller & Co. Bankaktiengesellschaft |
CAN | H.N.R. Jackman | Chairman of the Board, The Empire Life Insurance Company |
USA | Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* | Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League |
UK | Elie Kedourie | Professor of Politics, University of London; Author Working Paper Session III |
USA | Henry A. Kissinger* | Former Secretary of State; Professor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University |
UK | Andrew Knight* | Editor, The Economist |
FRG | Helmut Kohl | Chairman, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group |
INT | Max Kohnstamm** | Former President, European University Institute at Florence |
FR | Philippe Lagayette | Directeur de Cabinet, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance; Author Working Paper Session IV |
BEL | Baron Lambert* | Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. |
FRG | Otto L. Graf Lambsdorff | Minister of Economics |
INT | Jacques de Larosiere | Managing Director, I.M.F. |
UK | Nigel Lawson | Member of Parliament, Secretary of State for Energy |
INT | Emile van Lennep | Secretary General, O.E.C.D. |
GRE | G.P. Livanos | Membaer of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners |
USA | Winston Lord* | President, Council on Foreign Relations |
INT | Joseph M.A.H. Luns | Secretary General, N.A.T.O. |
SWI | Franz Lutolf* | General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation |
CAN | Donald S. MacDonald | Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy |
USA | Bruce K. MacLaury* | President, The Brookings Institution |
USA | David J. Mahoney | Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Norton Simon Inc. |
FR | Jacques Maisonrouge | Chairman of the Board, I.B.M. World Trade Corporation |
POR | Rogerio Martins | Chairman, Simapre Investment Company; Former Secretary of State of Industry |
NETH | Hans A.F.M.O. van Mierlo | Minister of Defense |
FR | Thierry de Montbrial* | Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique |
NOR | Tor Moursund | Managing Director and Chief Executive, Christianla Bank og Kreditkasse |
NOR | Einar Fr. Nagell-Erichsen | Managing Director, Aftenposten/Schibstedgruppen |
NETH | Prince Claus of the Netherlands | |
CAN | James R. Nininger | President, The Conference Board of Canada |
DEN | Niels Norlund* | Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende |
IT | Piero Ostellino | Columnist, Corriere della Sera |
INT | Sylvia Ostry | Head, Department of Economics and Statistics, O.E.C.D.; Author Working Paper Sesion IV |
UK | David Owen | Joint Leader of the Social Democratic Party, Member of Parliament, Former Foreign Secretary |
TUR | Haluk Ozgul | Ambassador of Turkey in Norway |
USA | Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr. | Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; Author Working Paper Session II |
USA | Richard Pipes | Senior Staff Member, National Security Council (Baird Professor of History, Harvard University, on leave) |
FRG | Karl Otto Pohl | President, Deutsche Bundesbank |
IT | Romano Prodi* | Professor of Industrial Economics, University of Bologna |
USA | James Roche | Senior Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State |
USA | David Rockefeller** | Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee |
INT | Bernard W. Rogers | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
IT | Virginio Rognoni | Minister of Internal Affairs |
UK | Lord Roll of Ipsden** | Chairman, S. G. Warburg & Co. Ltd. |
USA | Robert V. Roosa | Senior Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Company |
UK | Sir John Sainsbury* | Chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC |
FR | E. Antoine Seilliere | Director General, Compagnie Generale dIndustrie et de Participations |
IT | Stefano Silvestri* | Deputy Director, Institute of International Affairs |
USA | William E. Simon | Chairman, Crescent Diversified Ltd.; Former Secretary of the Treasury; Author Working Paper Session IV |
BEL | Henri F. Simonet | Member of Parliament; Author Working Paper Session I |
NOR | Anders C. Sjaastad | Minister of Defense |
NOR | Hermod Skanland | Deputy Governor of the Bank of Norway |
UK | Lord Soames | |
FRG | Theo Sommer* | Publisher, Die Zeit |
NETH | Andre S. Spoor | Editor-in-Chief, NRC Handelsblad |
NOR | Thorvald Stoltenberg | Member of the International Secretariat of the Federation of Trade Unions |
USA | Robert S. Strauss | Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former U.S. Special Trade Representative for Trade Negotiations |
NOR | Svenn Stray | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
SWE | Bjorn Svedberg | President, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson |
NOR | Otto Grieg Tidemand | Shipowner; Former Minister of Defense |
TUR | Metin Toker | Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper |
SWI | Victor H. Umbricht** | Mediator, East African Community; Member of the Board of Ciba-Geigy Ltd. |
POR | Alexandre de Azeredo Vaz Pinto | President, The Institute of Foreign Investment; Former Minister of Commerce |
USA | Paul A. Volcker | Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System |
USA | Ben J. Wattenberg | Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; Author Working Paper Session I |
NOR | Niels Werring, Jr.* | Senior Partner, Wilh. Wilhelmsen |
USA | Joseph H. Williams* | Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, The Williams Companies |
NOR | Kaare Willoch | Prime Minister |
SWE | Lars Wohlin | Governor, Swedish Federal Bank |
FRG | Otto Wolff von Amerongen | Chairman of the Board of Management, Otto Wolff A.G. |
FRG | Manfred Worner | Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU; Author Working Paper Session I |
CAN | Bernard C. Thillaye | Director, Strategic Policy Planning, Department of National Defense |
AUS | Georg Zimmer-Lehmann | General Manager of Creditanstalt-Bankverein |
IT | Carlos Aritario | Personal Advsor to Minister Rognoni |
CAN | Jacques Demers | Special Advisor, Officer of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada |
FRG | Hanno Hartmann | Assistant to Mr. Walter Scheel |
NETH | Anne Hoogendoorn | Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings |
FRG | R.K. Lochner | Accompanying Mr. Helmut Kohl as interpreter |
USA | Charles Muller | Assistant Secretary, American Friends of Bilderberag; President, Murden & Co. |
FRG | Guido Peruzzo | Assistant to the Minister of Economics |
INT | Gianni Ravasio | Assistant to Mr. Gaston Thorn |
FRG | Rudiger von Rosen | Head, Presidents Office, Deutsche Bundesbank |
FRG | Folkmar Stoecker | Assistant to Mr. Walter Scheel |
FRG | Horst Teltschik | Head, Office of Mr. Helmut Kohl |
USA | Charles Getchell | |
USA | Grant F. Winthrop |
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
May 14-16, 1982 – Sandefjord, Norway
Tensions in European-American Relations
I. Divergent policies and attitudes in the North Atlantic Community
II. What can arms control achieve?
III. Middle East: Issues at stake
IV. Economic issues: dogmas and realities
V. Discussion of Current events:
A. The Falkland Islands Crisis
B. East-West Relations: Poland, Trade, and Finance
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