The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
13-15 May 1983
Walter Scheel*
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Willem F. Duisenberg*
President, De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
IT | Umberto Agnelli | Chairman, FIAT Auto S.p.A.; Vice-Chairman and Managing Director IFI (Istituto Finanziaro Industriale) |
DEN | Tage Andersen | Managing Director and Chif Executive, Den Danske Bank |
USA | Dwayne O. Andreas | Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company |
AUS | Hannes Androsch* | Chairman of the Management Board, Creditanstalt-Bankverein |
USA | Hans H. Angermueller | Vice Chairman, Citibank, N.A. |
USA | George W. Ball** | Former Undersecretary of State |
POR | Francisco Pinto Balsemao | Prime Minister ad Interim |
FR | Raymond Barre | Former Prime Minister; Member of the National Assembly |
IT | Piero Bassetti | President, Bassetti S.p.A.; Chairman of Chamber of Commerce |
USA | Jack F. Bennett* | Senior Vice President & Director, EXXON Corporation |
INT | Georges Berthoin | European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission |
NETH | Ernst H. van der Beugel** | Professor of International Relations, Leyden Uniersity; Director of Companies |
TUR | Selahattin Beyazit* | Director of Companies |
USA | Seweryn Bialer | Director, Research Institute on International Change, Columbia University |
TUR | M. Nuri Birgi | Former Ambassador to NATO |
CAN | Lise Bissonette | Editor-in-Chief, Le Devoir |
ICE | Bjorn Bjarnason | Political Journalist, Morgunbladid |
NOR | Halvdan Bjorum | Chairman of the Board, A/S Elektrisk Bureau |
CAN | Conrad M. Black | Chairman, Argus Corporation, Ltd. |
NOR | Gro Harlem Brundtland | Parliamentary Leader, Labour Party |
USA | William P. Bundy** | Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Affairs |
GRE | Costa Carras* | Member of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners |
UK | Lord Carrington | Former Foreign Minister; Leader Conservative Party, House of Lords |
SPA | Jaime Carvajal y Urquijo | Chairman of the Board of Directors, Banco Urquijo |
FIN | Fredrik Castren | President and Chief Executive Officer, Kymi Kymmene Oy; Chairman of the Confederation of Finnish Industries |
SPA | Juan Luis Cebrian | Editor-in-Chif, El Pais |
DEN | Henning Christophersen | Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance |
INT | A. W. Clausen | President, The World Bank |
USA | Kenneth W. Dam | Deputy Secretary of State |
INT | Vicomte Etienne Davignon | Vice President, Commission of the European Communities |
USA | James Dobbins | Deputy Assistant Secretary of State |
USA | Thomas R. Donahue | Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO |
USA | Elizabeth Drew | Journalist |
SWE | Kjell-Olof Feldt | Minister of Finance |
SWE | Anders Ferm | Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations |
USA | Murray H. Finley* | President, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union |
USA | Charles Getchell* | Partner, Gray & Wendell (Attorneys-at-Law) |
POR | Bernardino Gomes | Vice Chairman, Foundation for International Relations |
FR | Alain Gomez | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Thomson Group |
CAN | Anthony G.S. Griffin** | Director of Companies |
USA | Henry Anatole Grunwald | Editor-in-Chief, TIME, Inc. |
SWE | Sten Gustafsson* | Managing Director, SAAB-SCANIA AB |
USA | Arthur A. Hartman | U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. |
SWI | Hans Heckmann | General Manager, Union Bank of Switzerland |
USA | Henry J. Heinz II** | Chairman, H.J. Heinz Company; President, American Friends of Bildererg, Inc. |
FRG | Alfred Herrhausen* | Managing Director, Deutsche Bank A.G. |
USA | Stanley Hoffmann | Chairman, Center for European Studies, Harvard University |
USA | Robert Hormats | Vice President, Goldman Sachs & Company |
BEL | Jozef Houthuys | President, Confederation of the Christian Unions |
AUS | Peter Jankowitsch | Deputy Secretary General for Foreign Affairs |
BEL | Daniel E. Janssen* | Chairman, Federation of Belgian Enterprises; Chairman Executive Committee, U.C.B., S.A. |
USA | Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* | Partner, Akin, Gump, Srauss, Hauer & Feld; Former President, National Urban League |
USA | David Kearns | Chairman, Xerox Corporation |
USA | Henry A. Kissinger* | Former Secretary of State |
UK | Andrew Knight* | Editor, The Economist |
BEL | Baron Lambert* | Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, S.A. |
FRG | Otto L. Graf Lambsdorff | Minister of Economic Affairs |
INT | Alexandre Lamfalussy | Assistant General Manager, Bank for Interational Settlements |
CAN | Gilles Lamontagne | Minister of Defense |
INT | Emile van Lennep | Secretary-General, OECD |
BEL | Andre Leysen | Chairman of the Board, AGFA-GEVAERT Group |
USA | Winston Lord* | President, The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. |
NETH | Ruud F.M. Lubbers | Prime Minister |
INT | Joseph M.A.H. Luns | Secretary-General, NATO |
SWI | Franz Lutolf* | General Manager and Memer of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation |
CAN | Donald S. Macdonald* | Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy |
CAN | Allan J. MacEachen | Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affaris |
USA | Bruce K. MacLaury | President, The Brookings Institution |
USA | David Mahoney | Chairman of the Board, Norton Simon Inc. |
FR | Jacques Maisonrouge | Chairman of the Board, I.B.M. World Trade Corporation |
POR | Rogerio Martins | Chairman, Simopre; Former Secretary of State for Industry |
CAN | Leighton W. McCarthy | President, McCarthy Securities Ltd. |
USA | R. Daniel McMichael | Administrative Agent, Scaife Family Charitable Trusts |
FRG | Alois Mertes | Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
FR | Thierry de Montbrial* | Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique |
IT | Mario Monti* | Professor of Monetary Theory and Policy, University of Bocconi, Milan; President, SUERF |
CAN | William D. Mulholland | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Montreal |
DEN | Niels Norlund | Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende |
SWE | Clas-Erik Odhner | Economist at the Swedish Trade Union Confederation |
NETH | Coen J. Oort* | Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. |
IRE | Anthony J.F. OReilly | President and Chief Executive Officer, H.J. Heinz Company |
GRE | John D. Paleocrassas | Member of Parliament; Former Minister of Coordination; Secretary-General of NEA Democratic Party |
USA | Richard Perle | Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy |
CAN | Alfred Powis | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Noranda Mines Ltd. |
SWI | Raymond Probst | Secretary of State, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs |
CAN | Jacques Rastoul | Executive Director, Canadian Institute of International Affairs |
USA | John P. Roche | Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University |
USA | David Rockefeller** | Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee |
INT | Bernard W. Rogers | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
UK | Lord Roll of Ipsden** | Chairman, S.G. Warburg & Co. Ltd. |
UK | Evelyn de Rothschild | Chairman, N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. |
FRG | Volker Ruhe | Deputy Leader, Parliamentary Party CDU/CSU; Spokesman on Foreign and Security Policy |
UK | Sir John Sainsbury* | Chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC |
NETH | Willem E. Scherpenhuijsen | Rom Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors, Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank N.V. |
FRG | Helmut Schmidt | Former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany |
FR | Antoine Seilliere* | Director-General, Compagnie Generale dIndustrie et de Participations |
NOR | Anders C. Sjaastad | Minister of Defense |
FRG | Theo Sommer* | Publisher, Die Zeit |
AUS | Josef Taus | Managing Partner, Constantia Industrieverwaltungsges. m.b.H. |
CAN | C.G.E. Theriault | Vice-Chief of the Defnse Staff |
CAN | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | Prime Minister |
TUR | Ilter Turkmen | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
USA | Paul A. Volcker | Chairman, Board of Governors, The Federal Reserve System |
NOR | Niels Werring, Jr.* | Senior Partner, Wilh. Wilhelmsen |
SWE | Hans Werthen | Chairman, Ericsson and Electrolux Group |
FRG | Otto Wolff von Amerongen** | Chairman of the Board of Management, Otto Wolff A.G.; Chairman, German Federation of Chambers of Industry and Commerce |
SPA | Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo | Director, Department of International Affairs at the Office of the Prime Minister |
IT | Paolo Zannoni* | Director, Department Political Analysis, FIAT S.p.A. |
CAN | Tom Axworthy | Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister |
CAN | Joseph Caron | Secretariat of Privy Council Office (Foreign and Defense Policy) |
FRG | Hennecke Graf von Bassowitz | Assistant to Mr. Scheel |
FRG | Hans-Henning Blomeyer | Head, Office of Mr. Mertes |
FRG | Ulf Boge | Head, Office of Mr. Scheel |
INT | Michael Dallas | Head, Office of General Rogers |
CAN | Robert Fowler | Assistant Secretary to the Cainet (Foreign and Defense Policy) |
POR | Jose P. Luiz Gomes | Diplomatic Advisor to Prime Minister ad interim Balsemao |
SWE | Kai Hammerich | Senior Vice President, SAAB SCANIA AB |
FRG | Thomas Hertz | Head, Office of Graf Lambsdorff |
NETH | Anne Hoogendoorn | Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings |
TUR | Baki Ilkin | Personal Assistant to Mr. Turkmen |
CAN | Ted Johnson | Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister |
CAN | Kenzie MacKinnon | Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State for External Affairs |
CAN | Jim Mitchell | Department of External Affairs (Policy Analysis) |
USA | Charles W. Muller | President, Murden & Co. |
CAN | Michael Phillips | Senior Departmental Assistant to the Secretary of State for External Affairs |
FRG | Reinhardt Sturmer | Assistant to Mr. Schmidt |
CAN | Bernard C. Thillaye | Director, Strategic Policy Planning, Department of National Defense |
USA | Grant F. Winthrop | Joint Raporteur, Bilderberg Meetings |
AUS | Georg Zimmer-Lehmann | Managing Director, Creditanstalt-Bankverein |
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
May 13-15, 1983 – Montebello, Canada
I. East-West relations: constraints, detente or confrontation
II. Issues in medium-term prospects for growth in the world economy:
A. Protectionism and employment
B. Risks in banking and finance
III. Discussion of current events.
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