The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
12-14 May 1989
Lord Roll of Ipsden*
President, S.G. Warburg Group plc
Lord Carrington
Chairman of the Board, Christie’s International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University
Conrad J. Oort*
Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.;
Professor of Money and Banking, University of Limburg
ITA | Giovanni Agnelli** | Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. |
DEN | Tage Andersen* | Managing Director and Chief Executive, Den Danske Bank |
USA | Dwayne O. Andreas | Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Inc. |
UK | Paddy Ashdown | Member of Parliament; Leader of the Social and Liberal Democrats |
USA | George W. Ball** | Former Under-Secretary of State |
POR | Francisco Pinto Balsemao* | Professor of Mass Communication, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, SOJORNAL; Former Prime Minister |
NETH | Relus ter Beek | Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on International Affairs |
CAN | Michel F. Belanger | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, National Bank of Canada |
USA | Jack F. Bennett* | Former Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation; Former Under-Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs |
USA | Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. | U.S. Senator (Democrat, Texas) |
NETH | Ernst H. van der Beugel** | Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leyden University; Director of Companies |
TUR | Selahattin Beyazit* | Director of Companies |
ICE | Bjorn Bjarnason | Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Morgunbladid |
CAN | Conrad M. Black* | Chairman, Argus Corporation Ltd. |
SWE | Hans Blix | Director General, The International Atomic Energy Agency |
SPA | Miguel Boyer Salvador | Chairman, Cartera Central; Former Minister of Economy and Finance |
TUR | Ali Bozer | Deputy Prime Minister |
ITA | Enrico Braggiotti | Chairman of the Board, Banca Commerciale Italiana |
USA | Willard C. Butcher | Chairman, The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. |
GRE | Costa Carras* | Director of Companies |
SPA | Jaime Carvajal Urquijo* | Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento |
SPA | Juan Luis Cebrian | Chief Executive Officer, PRISA (El Pais) |
TUR | Ismail Cem | Member of Parliament (Social Democratic Populist Party) |
USA | Charles H. Dallara | Assistant Secretary Designate of the Treasury for International Affairs |
USA | Kenneth W. Dam* | Vic President, Law and External Relations, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secretary of State |
FRG | Herta Daubler-Gmelin | Member of Parliament; Deputy Chairwoman, SPD |
BEL | Etienne Davignon* | Director, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Member of the Commission of European Communities |
SPA | Guillermo de la Dehesa | Chief Executive, Banco Pastor; Former Secretary of State for Economy and Finance |
DEN | Aage Deleuran | Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende |
CAN | Marie-Josee Drouin | Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada |
INT | Arthur Dunkel | Director General, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
FIN | Casimir Ehrnrooth | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kymmene Corporation |
USA | William T. Esrey | President and Chief Executive Officer, United Telecommunications, Inc. and U.S. Sprint |
LUX | Colette Flesch | Chairman, Democratic Party; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs |
INT | John R. Galvin | Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE |
ITA | Raoul Gardini | Chairman, Ferruzzi Group |
UK | Timothy J. Garton Ash | St. Antonys College, Oxford; Foreign Editor, The Spectator |
FRG | Michaela Geiger | Member of Parliament; CDU/CSU Foreign Policy Spokesman |
SPA | Felipe Gonzalez | Prime Minister |
SPA | Fernando I. Gonzalez Laxe | Chairman, Government of Galicia |
CAN | Allan E. Gotlieb | William Lyon Mackenzie King Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies, The Center for International Affairs, Harvard University |
USA | Maurice R. Greenberg | President, American International Group, Inc. |
USA | William E. Griffith | Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
SWE | Sten Gustafsson* | Chairman of the Board, SAAB-SCANIA AB |
INT | Francois Heisbourg | Director, The International Institute for Strategic Studies |
FIN | Jaakko Iloniemi* | Member of the Management Board, Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States of America |
AUS | Peter Jankowitsch* | Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Austrian National Assembly; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs |
USA | Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* | Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League |
USA | Thomas H. Kean | Governor of the State of New Jersey |
SWI | Christian H. Kind | Foreign Editor, Neue Zurcher Zeitung |
USA | Henry A. Kissinger* | Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. |
UK | Andrew Knight* | Chief Executive, The Daily Telegraph plc |
INT | Max Kohnstamm** | Secretary General, Action Committee for Europe; Former President, European University Institute |
AUS | Josef Krainer | Governor of Styria |
SWI | Alex Krauer | Chairman and Managing Director, Ciba-Geigy Limited |
FRA | Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere* | Director and First Executive Vice President, LOreal |
NETH | Cees J. A. van Lede | President, Federation of Netherlands Industries VNO |
SWI | Franz J. Lutolf* | Former General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation |
POR | Rui Machete | Chairman, Constitutional Revision Parliamentary Commission; President, Portuguese-American Foundation; Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice |
CAN | Paul D. Manson | Chief of the Defence Staff |
SPA | Carlos March Delgado | Chairman, Banco Urquijo Unyon; Vice Chairman, Juan March Foundation |
BEL | Wilfred Martens | Prime Minister |
USA | Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.* | Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Former U.S. Senator (Republican, Maryland) |
FRA | Thierry de Montbrial* | Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique |
ITA | Mario Monti* | Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan; Vice Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiana |
NETH | Her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands | |
NETH | His Royal Highness Prince Claus of the Netherlands | |
ITA | Filippo M. Pandolfi | Vice President, Commission of the European Communities |
GRE | Theodore Papalexopoulos | Former Chairman, Union of Greek Industries |
UK | Cecil Parkinson | Secretary of State for Energy |
USA | Norman Pearlstine | Managing Director, The Wall Street Journal |
UK | Rupert L. Pennant-Rea | Editor, The Economist |
SPA | Jesus de Polanco | Chairman, TIMON Group; Chairman, PRISA (El Pais) |
USA | S. Ichtiaque Rasool | Chief Scientist or Global Change, NASA |
USA | William K. Reilly | Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency |
USA | Rozanne L. Ridgway | Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs |
USA | David Rockefeller, Sr.** | Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee |
USA | David Rockefeller, Jr. | Chairman, Rockefeller Brothers Fund |
NETH | H. Onno Ruding | Minister of Finance; Chairman of the Interim Committee of the IMF |
POR | Jorge Sampaio | Secretary General, Partido Socialista |
CAN | Jeanne Sauve | Governor General of Canada |
FRA | Louis Schweitzer | Financial Director, Regie Nationale des Usines Renault |
GRE | Michael J. Scoullos | President, European Environmental Bureau |
USA | John S. R. Shad | Chairman, Drexel Burnham Lambert Group |
USA | Jack Sheinkman | President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO, CLC |
ICE | Hordur Sigurgestsson | President and Chief Executive Officer, The Iceland Steamship Co. Ltd. |
UK | John Smith | Member of Parliament; Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer |
NOR | Lucy C. Smith | Professor of Law, University of Oslo |
BEL | Jacques E. Solvay | Chairman, Solvay & Cie S.A. |
FRG | Theo Sommer* | Editor-in-Chief, Die Zeit |
SPA | Her Majesty The Queen of Spain | |
SPA | His Majesty The King of Spain | |
USA | Lesley R. Stahl | National Affairs Correspondent, CBS News |
USA | Robert S. Strauss | Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law) |
IRE | Peter D. Sutherland | Former Member, Commission of the European Communities; Member, Action Committee for Europe; Chairman Designate, Allied Irish Banks |
FRG | Klaus Topfer | Federal Minister for the Environment |
USA | Gorge J. Vojta | Executive Vice President, Bankers Trust Company |
AUS | Franz Vranitzky | Federal Chancellor |
NOR | Niels Werring, Jr.* | Chairman of the Board, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Limited A/S |
USA | John C. Whitehead | Former Deputy Secretary of State |
DEN | Nils Wilhjelm | Minister of Industry |
USA | Lynn R. Williams* | International President, United Steel Workers of America |
USA | James D. Wolfensohn* | President, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. |
FRG | Otto Wolff von Amerongen** | Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Otto Wolff A.G. |
SPA | Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo | Director, Department of International Affairs of the Office of the Prime Minister |
SPA | Emilio de Ybarra y Churruca | Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Bilbao Vizcaya |
ITA | Paolo Zannoni* | President, Fiat Washington, Inc. |
USA | Grant F. Winthrop | Director, Milbank Wilson Winthrop |
SPA | Julio C. Abreu | Director General, Central de Congresos; Organizer, 1989 Conference |
NETH | Saskia ten Asbroek | Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings |
USA | Charles W. Muller | President, Murden & Company; Adviser, American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc. |
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
May 12-14,1989 – La Toja, Spain
I. Domestic developments in Eastern Europe: policy implications for the West
II. Can the Alliance be sustained by military and arms control issues alone?
III. The long-term economic design of the E.C.: European sovereignty?
IV. Current events: U.S.-Soviet relations
V. Greater political and monetary union of Europe: European sovereignty?
VI. Global relationships: surpluses, deficits, and protectionism
VII. Environmental constraints
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