The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
Baden-Baden, Germany
6-9 June 1991
Lord Carrington
Chairman of the Board, Christie’s International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO
Victor Halberstadt
Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University
Theodore L. Eliot Jr.
Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University
Conrad J. Oort
Former Adviser to the Board of Management, Algemene Bank Nederland NV;
Professor of Money and Banking, University of Limburg
ITA | Giovanni Agnelli** | Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. |
USA | Paul Allaire | Chairman, Xerox Corporation |
USA | George W. Ball** | Former Under-Secretary of States |
POR | Francisco Pinto Balsemao* | Professor of Mass Communication, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, Sojornal sarl; Former Prime Minister |
USA | Robert L. Bartley | Editor, The Wall Street Journal |
GER | Christoph Bertram* | Diplomatic Correspondent, Die Zeit |
NETH | Ernst H. van der Beugel** | Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings for Europe and Canada |
TUR | Selahattin Beyazit* | Director of Companies |
ICE | Bjorn Bjarnason | Member of Parliament, Independence Party |
DEN | Ritt Bjerregaard | Labour Member of Parliament; Chairman of the Labour Group |
CAN | Conrad M. Black* | Chairman, The Daily Telegraph plc |
USA | Robert D. Blackwill | Lecturer in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Former member National Security Council |
GER | Klaus Blech | Ambassador to U.S.S.R. |
USA | Michael J. Boskin | Chairman, Presidents Council of Economic Advisers |
GER | Birgit Breuel | Chairman of the Board, Treuhandanstalt |
UK | Gordon Brown | Member of Parliament (Labour Party); Shadow Secretary of State for Trade and Industry |
NOR | Arne Olav Brundtland | Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs |
BEL | Jean-Louis Cadieux | Deputy Director-General for Foreign Affairs, European Community |
ITA | Giampiero Cantoni | Chairman, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro |
GRE | Costa Carras* | Director of Companies |
SPA | Jaime Carvajal Urquijo* | Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento |
USA | John H. Chafee | Senator (Republican, Rhode Island) |
USA | Bill D. Clinton | Governor of Arkansas |
FRA | Bertrand Collomb | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lafarge Coppee |
USA | Kenneth W. Dam* | Vice President, Law and External Relations, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secetary of State |
BEL | Etienne Davignon* | Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities |
DEN | Aage Deleuran* | Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende |
GER | Werner H. Dieter | Chairman of the Board, Mannesmann A.G. |
NOR | Per Ditlev-Simonsen | Managing Director, Sverre Ditlev-Simonsen & Co. |
CAN | Marie-Josee Drouin* | Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada |
INT | Arthur Dunkel | Director General G.A.T.T. |
FIN | Aatos Erkko | Publisher, Helsingin Sanomat |
USA | Dianne Feinstein | Former Mayor of San Francisco |
UK | Lawrence D. Freedman | Head of Department of War Studies, Kings College |
CAN | Lysiane Gagnon | Journalist, La Presse |
INT | John R. Galvin | Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE |
SWI | Fritz Gerber | Chairman of the Board, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG |
USA | Katharine Graham | Chairman, The Washington Post Company |
USA | Maurice R. Greenberg | Chairman, American International Group, Inc. |
CAN | Anthony G.S. Griffin** | Director of Companies |
SWE | Sten Gustafsson* | Chairman of the Board of Directors, AB Astra |
USA | Richard N. Haass | Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director Near East and South Asian Affairs, National Security Council |
TUR | Vahit M. Halefoglu | Former Minister of Foreign Affairs |
UK | Christopher Hogg | Chairman, Courtaulds plc |
FIN | Jaakko Iloniemi* | Managing Director, Council of Economic Organizations in Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States of America |
FRA | Claude Imbert | Chief Editor, Le Point |
AUS | Peter Jankowitsch* | Minister of State in charge of European Integration and Development Cooperation |
SWE | Lars Jonung | Profesor of Economics and Economic Policy at Stockholm School of Economics |
USA | Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* | Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League |
USA | Henry A. Kissinger* | Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. |
NETH | Ben Knapen | Editor-in-Chief, NRC Handelsblad |
UK | Andrew Knight* | Executive Chairman, News International plc |
INT | Max Kohnstamm** | Former Secretary General, Action Committee for Europe; Former President, European University Institute |
GER | Hilmar Kopper* | Spokesman of the Board of Managing Directors, Deutsche Bank A.G. |
NETH | Pieter Korteweg | President and Chief Executive Officer of the Board Committee of the Robeco Group |
SWI | Alex Krauer* | Chairman and Managing Director, Ciba-Geigy Limited |
FRA | Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere* | Chairman, Fimalac |
GER | Kurt J. Lauk | Vice Chairman of the Management Board, Audi A.G. |
FRA | Andre Levy-Lang | Chairman, Compagnie Financiere de Paribas |
NETH | Ruud F.M. Lubbers | Prime Minister |
BEL | Wilfried Martens | Prime Minister |
USA | Charles McC. Mathias* | Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Former U.S. Senator (Republican, Maryland) |
USA | Jack F. Matlock, Jr. | Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. |
ITA | Gianni De Michelis | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
PORT | Carlos A.P.V. Monjardino | President of the Fundacao Oriente |
FRA | Thierry de Montbrial* | Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique |
ITA | Mario Monti* | Rector and Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan |
NETH | Her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands | |
FRA | Michel Noir | Mayor of Lyon, Ex-Secretary of State for Foreign Trade |
ICE | David Oddsson | Prime Minister |
TUR | Tugay Ozceri | Under Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
GRE | John D. Paleocrassas | Minister of Finance |
POR | Carlos Pimenta | Member of the European Parliament, Former Secretary of State for Environment |
GER | Karl Otto Pohl | President, Deutsche Bundesbank |
CAN | John Polanyi | Professor of Chemistry, University of Toronto |
SPA | Jordi Pujol | President, Generalitat de Catalunya |
USA | William B. Quandt | Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution |
SWE | Bo C E Ramfors | Managing Director and Group Chief Executive of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Board member of several companies |
USA | Rozanne L. Ridgway* | President, The Atlantic Council of the United States |
SWI | Michael Ringier | Publisher, Chairman of the Board of Ringier Inc. |
USA | David Rockefeller** | Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee |
UK | Lord Roll of Ipsden** | President, S.G. Warburg Group plc |
ITA | Renato Ruggiero | Chief Negotiator G.A.T.T. |
GER | Volker Ruhe | General Secretary Parliamentary Party CDU |
GER | Heinz J.H. Ruhnau | Chairman of the Board, Deutsche Lufthansa A.G. |
AUS | Guido Schmidt-Chiari | Chairman of the Managing Board Creditanstalt Bankverein |
SPA | Narcis Serra | Deputy Prime Minister |
USA | John S.R. Shad | Director and Philanthropist |
USA | Thomas W. Simons, Jr. | Ambassador to Poland |
UK | John Smith* | Member of Parliament (Labour Party); Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer |
GER | Theo Sommer | Editor-in-Chief, Die Zeit |
SPA | Her Majesty The Queen of Spain | |
BEL | Guy Spitaels | Chairman Socialist Party, Minister of State |
INT | Helga Steeg | Executive Director, International Energy Agency |
IRE | Peter D. Sutherland* | Former Member, Commission of the European Communities; Chairman, Allied Irish Banks Group |
GER | Erwin Teufel | Prime Minister of Baden-Wutemberg |
AUS | Franz Vranitzky | Federal Chancellor |
INT | Henning Wegener | Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NOR | Niels Werring, Jr.* | Chairman of the Board, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Limited A/S |
USA | John C. Whitehead* | Former Deputy Secretary of State |
USA | Brayton Wilbur, Jr. | President and Chief Executive Officer, Wilbur-Ellis Company |
USA | Lawrence D. Wilder | Governor of Virginia |
DEN | Nils Wilhjelm | President, Industrial Mortgage Fund; Former Minister of Industry |
USA | Lynn R. Williams | International President, United Steelworkers of America |
CAN | Michael H. Wilson | Minister of Industry, Science and Technology and International Trade |
USA | James D. Wolfensohn* | President, James D. Wolffensohn, Inc. |
GER | Otto Wolff von Amerongen** | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und Beteiligungen GmbH |
INT | Manfred Worner | Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
UK | Patrick Wright | Permanent Under Secretary of State and Head of the Diplomatic Service |
GRE | Minos Zombanakis | Chairman, Group for International Study and Evaluation |
Observer | ||
NETH | H.R.H. The Prince of Orange | |
Rapporteur | ||
USA | Grant F. Winthrop | Partner, Milbank Wilson Winthrop, Inc. |
USA | Alice Victor | |
In Attendance | ||
NETH | Maja Banck | Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings |
FRA | Felicia Cavasse | Organizer, 1992 Conference |
GER | Gunther W.F. Dicke | First Vice President, Deutsche Bank A.G.; Organizer, 1991 Conference |
FRA | Veronique Morali | Organizer, 1992 Conference |
USA | Charles W. Muller | President, Murden and Company; Adviser, American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc. |
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
June 6-9, 1991 – Baden-Baden, Germany
I. Eastern Europe: economic prospects
II. Developments in the Soviet Union: political and economic impacts on the Alliance
III. The Middle East: political fallout and future prospects
IV. Current Events: German Economic Reconciliation: the Treuhand Experience
V. The Practical Agenda for the Alliance
VI. Do we have the institutions to deal with the agenda?
VII. Economic and financial threats to the Alliance
VIII. Current Events: South Africa
IX. Current Events: Yugoslavia
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