1997 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List

The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.

PineIsle Resort near Atlanta, U.S.A.
June 12-15, 1997

GB Carrington, Peter Former Secretary General, NATO; Former Chairman of the Board, Christies
International plc

Honorary Secretary General:
NL Victor Halberstadt Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University

IAgnelli, Giovanni Honorary Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
IAgnelli, Umberto Chairman, IFIL S.p.A.
USAAllaire, Paul A. Chairman, Xerox Corporation
DKAndersen, Bodil Nyboe Governor, Central Bank of Denmark
USAArmacost, Michael H. President, The Brookings Institution
PBalsemao, Francisco Pinto Professor of Communication Science, University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
SBarnevik, Percy Chairman, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
USABartley, Robert L. Editor, Wall Street Journal
CDNBassett, Isabel Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Finance, Government of Ontario
USABentsen, Lloyd M. Former Secretary of the Treasury; Partner, Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson and Hand, Chartered
USABerger, Samuel R. Assistant to the President for Security Affairs
NLBergh, Maarten A. van den Group Managing Director, Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies
USABergsten, C. Fred Director, Institute for International Economics
USABernstein, Richard Book Critic, New York Times
NLBeugel, Ernst H. van der Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Meetings for Europe and Canada
TRBeyazit, Selahattin Director of Companies
INTBildt, Carl The High Representative
TRBilgin, Dinc Chairman of the Board, Sabah A.S.
CDNBlack, Conrad M. Chairman, The Telegraph plc
HBokros, Lajos Senior Adviser, The World Bank
PBorges, Antonio Dean, INSEAD
GBBrowne, E. John P. Group Chief Executive, The British Petroleum Company p.l.c.
USABryan, John H. Chairman and CEO, Sara Lee Corporation
GBBuchanan, Robin W.T. Senior Partner, Bain & Company
DBurda, Hubert Chairman, Burda Media
CHButler, Hugo Editor in Chief, Neue Zurcher Zeitung
GRCarras, Costa Director of Companies
DCartellieri, Ulrich Member of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
ECarvajal Urquijo, Jaime Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento
FCollomb, Bertrand Chairman and CEO, Lafarge
USACorzine, Jon S. Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs & Co.
CHCotti, Flavio Federal Councillor and Minister for Foreign Affairs
GBCranborne, Robert M.J.C. Leader of the Opposition in the House Lords
USADam, Kenneth W. Max Pam Professor of American and Foreign Law, The University of Chicago Law School
GRDavid, George A. Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Company S.A.
BDavignon, Etienne Executive Chairman, Societe Generale Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities
BDonnea, Francois X. de Former Minister of Defense; Mayor of Brussels; Member of Parliament
DK Ellemann-Jensen, Uffe Chairman, Liberal Party
TR Ercel, Gazi Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
TR Erguder, Ustun Rector, Bosporus University
CDN Frum, David Political Commentator
USA Gadiesh, Orit Chairman of the Board, Bain & Company Inc.
P Galvao Teles, Jose M. Lawyer, Member of the Social Party, Member of the Council of State
F Gergorin, Jean-Louis Member of the Board of Directors, to the Chairman Strategic Matra Hachette
USA Gerstner, Jr., Louis V. Chairman, IBM Corporation
USA Hamilton, Lee H. Congressman (D, Indiana)
N Hoegh, Westye Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co. ASA; Former President, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association
USA Holbrooke, Richard C. Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs; Vice Chairman, CS First
GB Hutton, Will Editor, The Observer
B Huyghebaert, Jan Chairman, Almanij-Kredietbank Groep
FIN Iloniemi, Jaakko Managing Director, Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies; Former Ambassador to the United States of America
D Issing, H.C. Otmar Member of the Board, Deutsche
GB Jacobi, Mary Jo Head of Group Public Affairs, HSBC Holdings plc; Former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce
INT Johnston, Donald J. Secretary-General, OECD
USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP (Attorneys-at-Law)
USA Kissinger, Henry A. Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
NL Korteweg, Pieter President and CEO, Robeco Group
A Kothbauer, Max Director of Companies
GR Kiranidiotis, Yannos Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
F Levy-Lang, Andre Chairman of the Board of Management, Banque Paribas
USA Lewis, William W. Director of McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company
GB Mabro, Robert E. Director, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
USA McDonough, William J. President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
A Mitterbauer, Peter Chairman, Miba AG
F Montbrial, Thierry de Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique
CDN Munroe-Blum, Heather Vice-President, Research and International Relations, University of Toronto
N Myklebust, Egil Chief Executive, Norsk Hydro
D Nass, Matthias Managing Editor, Die Zeit
NL Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of the
FIN Niinisto, Sauli V. Minister of Finance
USA Nunn, Sam Former Senator (D, Georgia)
ICE Oddsson, David Prime Minister
PL Olechowski, Andrzej Chairman, Central Europe Trust, Poland
FIN Ollila, Jorma President and CEO, Nokia Corporation
USA Page, Jr., John M. Chief Economist, Middle East and Africa Region, The World Bank
USA Powell, Colin L. Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
CH Pury, David de Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co. Ltd.
IRL Quinn, Lochlann Chairman, Allied Irish Bank Group
GB Robertson, Simon Former Chairman, Kleinwort Benson Group plc
USA Rockefeller, David Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee
USA Rockefeller, Sharon Percy President and CEO, WETA-TV and FM (PBS)
E Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias Vice Chairman, Banco de Santander
GB Roll, Eric Senior Adviser, SBC Warburg
I Rossella, Carlo Editor, Editrice La Stampa S.p.A.
F Roy, Olivier University Professor and Researcher, Laboratoire Monde Iranien, CNRS
CDN Sabia, Maureen Corporate Director and President, Maureen Sabia International
P Salgado, Ricardo Espirito Santo President and CEO, Banco Espirito
D Schrempp, Jurgen E. Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler-Benz AG
INT Schwab, Klaus President, World Economic Forum
DK Seidenfaden, Toger Editor in Chief, Politiken A/S
USA Sheinkman, Jack Chairman of the Board, Amalgamated
I Silvestri, Stefano Vice President, Istituto Affari Internazionali; former Undersecretary of Defense
USA Stahl, Lesley R. National Affairs Correspondent, CBS
USA Stephanopoulos, George Visiting Professor, Columbia; Former Senior Advisor to the President for Policy and Strategy
H Suryanyi, Gyorgy President, National Bank of Hungary
IRL Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman and Managing Director, Sachs International; Former Director General, GATT and WTO
S Svedberg, Bjorn President and CEO, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
TR Tara, Sinan Vice President, Enka Construction & Ind. Inc.
GB Taylor, J. Martin Chief Executive, Barclays PLC
GB Villeneuve, Andre-Francois H. Executive Director, Reuters Group Holdings plc
USA Vogel, Ezra F. Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences, Harvard University
USA Volcker, Paul A. Chairman, BT Wolfensohn
A Vranitzky, Franz Former Federal Chancellor
INT Vries, Gijs M. de Chairman, Liberal Group, European Parliament
S Wallenberg, Marcus Executive Vice President, Investor AB
USA Weiss, Stanley A. Chairman, Business Executives for National Security, Inc
USA Whitehead, John C. Former Deputy Secretary of State
INT Wolfensohn, James D. President, The World Bank
D Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH
USA Wolfowitz, Paul Dean, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies; Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
NL Wijffels, Herman H.F. Chairman of the Executive Board, Rabobank Nederland
GB Yahuda, Michael B. Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics
USA Yost, Casimir A. Director, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington


June 12-15, 1997 – Lake (Sidney) Lanier Island, near Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Racial Harmony
World Without Borders
Most Favored Nation (MFN) for China
European Union
American Union

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