Office of Health Affairs
- Jon R. Krohmer, MD, FACEP, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
- 9 pages
- For Official Use Only
- June 19-20, 2007
The DHS Chief Medical Officer was created as part of the Department’s 2005 Second Stage Review.
The FY 2007 DHS Appropriations Bill authorized the CMO and listed 5 core responsibilities:
– Serve as Secretary’s principal medical advisor
– Coordinate DHS biodefense activities
– Ensure internal/external coordination of DHS’ medical preparedness activities
– Serve as primary DHS point of contact for Federal/state/local/tribal governments and the private sector on medical and public health issues
– Discharge DHS responsibilities under Project BioShield (in coordination w/ S&T)
Secretary Chertoff created the Office of Health Affairsas part of the Departmental reorganization announced on January 18, 2007…
Presidential Mandates for DHS Health Affairs
DHS is the overall incident coordinator in a catastrophic incident
Link together HHS, USDA, DoD, VHA, ST&L, Private sector
HSPD 7Mitigate vulnerabilities in the safety and security of the medical, public health and emergency service critical infrastructures and key resources
HSPD 8Achieve an all-hazards National Preparedness Goal with Target Capabilities on which to base planning at federal, state, and local levels.
Mitigate vulnerabilities in food, agriculture and water systems
Develop a robust biological threat awareness capacityHSPD 10
Ensure a coordinated architecture for bio-monitoring, biosurveillance, aerosol detection, clinical syndrome detection, suspicious substance handling and mail room monitoring
Office of Health Affairs
Assistant Secretary (Acting) and Chief Medical Officer
– Jeffrey W. Runge, MD (FACEP)Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Deputy Chief Medical Officer
– Jon R. Krohmer, MD (FACEP)
jon.krohmer@dhs.govAssociate Chief Medical Officer for Medical Readiness
– B. Tillman Jolly, MD (FACEP)Senior Medical Advisor Incident Coordination Division
– Michael Zanker, MD (FACEP)
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