DHS Senior Leadership Brief
- 4 pages
- For Official Use Only
- January 14, 2010
Current Situation
- US Army 82nd Airborne sending personnel to provide security.
- FAA reports airport operational 24/7 for humanitarian/military flights under visual flying rules (VFR) only.
- SOUTHCOM en route to establish air traffic control service and security; ETA 2100 EST 14 Jan.
- US personnel control airport with Haitian controllers providing air traffic support; runway lights fully operational; half of terminal lights working.
- A 14-member United Nations (UN) team with the UN Assistant Secretary General scheduled to arrive 15 Jan.
- Open source reports UN Mission Chief and his deputy are deceased (unconfirmed).
- Chilean General Service Unit to assume UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti.
- FEMA reports main prison collapsed; 4,000 prisoners escaped; no requests for U.S. public safety assistance or guidance.
- Two US citizens (embassy personnel) still unaccounted for.
- Two USCG C-130s, with capacity to evacuate 140 individuals, scheduled to depart Port-au-Prince for Santo Domingo at 1000 EST 14 Jan; may be able to conduct two additional evacuations throughout the day.
- Priorities continue to be search and rescue, medical assistance/care for injured, water, sanitation, shelter.
Federal Agencies/Departments
- US Department of State
- One missing employee located (deceased) in residence.
- UN delegation will be transported by US Coast Guard C-130 and arrive in Port-au-Prince by 0900 EST 14 Jan 10 to begin situational assessments and stand-up UN relief efforts.
- Approximately 150 Americans at US Embassy awaiting evacuation.
- Reception center established for incoming Search and Rescue Teams.
- Americans seeking information on family can call (1-888-407-4747).
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- DHS Intergovernmental Affairs working concerns over mass migration.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Fairfax County, VA Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Task Force 1 (TF1) operating out of Embassy compound; conducted initial survey and identified priority targets
- Los Angeles, CA US&R team arrived 14 Jan.
- Miami-Dade TF1 arrived 14 Jan.
- Miami TF2 ETA 1300 EST, 14 Jan via US Coast Guard C-130.
- College Station, Texas US&R Team TF1 to depart 1200 EST for Florida.
- 5 additional US&R teams activated; awaiting transportation, ETA 14 Jan. (Virginia Beach, VA; Dayton, OH; Sacramento, CA; Orange County, CA; Brooklyn, NY.
- Reports two hospitals collapsed.
- FEMA Response Watch Center
- At Level II operations (24/7) with Emergency Support Function (ESF) 9 (Urban Search and Rescue) activated.
- Objectives:
- Complete Survivor Support Plan: Support 2 million people with shelter, food, and water for 3-7 days.
- Onsite Teams should be self sufficient for 7 days.
- Delivery of commodities
- Communications
- Mass Care (evacuees in CONUS)
- National Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) West activated and deploying to Homestead Air Force Base, FL.
- Maynard, MA Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) activated and awaiting airlift transportation.
- FEMA Logistics provided Frederick MERS with meals and water.
- FEMA Logistics reports additional meals, water, tarps, blankets, cots, and comfort kits ordered and will be sent to Homestead Air Force Base for pre-staging.
- Logistics Centers organizing and sending supplies to staging area by 1200 EST 14 Jan.
- Atlanta: 564,970 liters water, 235,953 meals; 69,345 tarps
- Ft Worth: 1,416,032 liters water; 807,452 meals; 247,922 tarps
- Frederick: 1,434,347 liters water; 1,286,80 meals; 75,933 tarps
- At Level II operations (24/7) with Emergency Support Function (ESF) 9 (Urban Search and Rescue) activated.
- Objectives:
- Complete Survivor Support Plan: Support 2 million people with shelter, food, and water for 3-7 days.
- Onsite Teams should be self sufficient for 7 days.
- Delivery of commodities
- Communications
- Mass Care (evacuees in CONUS)
- National Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) West activated and deploying to Homestead Air Force Base, FL.
- Maynard, MA Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) activated and awaiting airlift transportation.
- FEMA Logistics provided Frederick MERS with meals and water.
- FEMA Logistics reports additional meals, water, tarps, blankets, cots, and comfort kits ordered and will be sent to Homestead Air Force Base for pre-staging.
- Logistics Centers organizing and sending supplies to staging area by 1200 EST 14 Jan.
- Atlanta: 564,970 liters water, 235,953 meals; 69,345 tarps
- Ft Worth: 1,416,032 liters water; 807,452 meals; 247,922 tarps
- Frederick: 1,434,347 liters water; 1,286,80 meals; 75,933 tarps
- Region II / Caribbean Area Division
- Not activated.
- Region IV
- Region IV activated to Level III (24/7).
- US Coast Guard (USCG)
- Main port unusable due to collapse of pier and surrounding infrastructure; commodities must be offloaded at another port and transported overland.
- Coast Guard Cutter (CGC) OAK ETA 17 Jan; medium lift crane on board.
- CGC HAMILTON ETA 21 Jan; to provide command and control capability.
- CGC FORWARD, MOHAWK, and TAHOMA anchored in Port-au-Prince Harbor; VALIANT underway in vicinity.
- Two C-130s available to airlift people to Dominican Republic.
- Three H-60 helicopters available; capacity 10 ambulatory or 3 litters.
- Two HH-65 helicopters available; capacity 3 ambulatory or 1 litter.
- Two USCG personnel still unaccounted for.
- US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- Designated a coordinating official related to Operation Safe Return.
- Approximately 90 French and Creole speakers identified.
- Coordinating with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
- ICE removal operations to Haiti temporarily discontinued.
- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- Reports 24 Creole-speaking personnel.
- Identified housing options for 140-160 US citizens and Embassy personnel.
- CBP Office of Air and Marine (OAM) providing air traffic control assets.
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
- Reports 196 Creole-speaking personnel.
- 186 officers on 12-hr standby; 176 officers on 24-hr standby to provide screening of flights from Haiti.
- 92 Federal Air Marshals available for deployment within 12 hrs.
- US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS)
- Preparing for possible changes in temporary protective status.
- Department of Defense (DoD)
- USS CARL VINSON and USS NORMANDY ETA 1100 EST 15 Jan with 19 rotary-wing aircraft.
- USNS COMFORT (hospital ship) ETA 22 Jan.
- USS BATAAN Amphibious Readiness Group standing by.
- Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Emergency Management Group (EMG) activated to Level II (24 hr operations) beginning 14 Jan
- Assessing ESF- 8 needs (Public Health and Medical Services).
- 12 Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) activated: 1 – (NJ), 6 – (CA), 1 (FL), 1 – (MA), and 3 – (GA).
- 2 Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams (DMORT) activated.
- Family Assistance Center Team (FACT) activated.
- Disaster Portable Morgue Unit (DPMU) activated.
- American Red Cross (ARC)
- Released $1,000,000 for immediate response activities.
- Deploying a five-member Relief Emergency Response Unit to manage distribution operations.
Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR)
- National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC) reports:
- Communications:
- No US licensed cables with landing points in Haiti.
- Reported Haitian CIKR Impacts:
- Shipping
- Only container crane used for off-loading ships at main Port-au-Prince Port suffered damage, hampering relief efforts.
- Communications
- Text messaging reported as most reliable means of communications between Haiti and US.
- Telecom without Borders Team arrived in Port-au-Prince; providing Wi-Fi access.
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