The following instruction is part of a series of “limited release” DoD doctrine publications that are not released to the public.
Instruction 5110.11: Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC)
- 13 pages
- For Official Use Only
- October 4, 2010
a. (FOUO) The mission of RRMC is to support the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, select DoD Components and, as appropriate, non-DoD agencies of the Federal Government, and to enable the execution of DoD mission-essential functions (MEFs) in accordance with Reference (c), DoDD S-5100.44 (Reference (g)), and continuity of operations (COOP) plans and operational orders. (See Glossary for definition of RRMC.)
b. (FOUO) Facility, information technology (IT), security, and other supporting capabilities at RRMC shall be managed in accordance with the policies and procedures established for operation and management of the Pentagon Reservation under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, through the Director of Administration and Management (DA&M).
c. (FOUO) The RRMC concept of operations (CONOPS), including the required capabilities and priorities for RRMC support to DoD MEFs, shall be established by the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
d. RRMC shall be commanded by a commissioned officer in the grade of Colonel, or Captain in the Navy. The position shall be filled on a rotational basis by the Military Departments as set forth in Enclosure 2.
e. RRMC tenants shall coordinate their use of allocated space, including facility and IT plans and requirements, with the Commander, RRMC, and the Director, WHS, to ensure the consistent and effective implementation of DoD COOP policies and plans, and the efficient use of RRMC space and infrastructure.
f. All personnel present on RRMC, including tenant personnel, visitors, and contractors, shall be subject to the orders of the Commander, RRMC, consistent with the Commander’s assigned responsibilities in accordance with section 2 of Enclosure 2.
1. DIRECTOR, WHS. The Director, WHS, under the authority, direction, and control of the DA&M, shall:
a. (FOUO) Provide oversight for the operation, management, renovation, and construction of RRMC and shall exercise the authorities of the Secretary of Defense relating to RRMC, as delegated to the DA&M, in accordance with References (a) and (b).
b. Provide for the ongoing transformation and improvement of RRMC into a fully integrated, unified DoD enterprise that provides dedicated support to DoD MEFs.
c. Maintain an RRMC Annex to the Pentagon Reservation Master Plan. This plan shall serve as a guide for future RRMC modifications and shall reflect the WHS Capital Investment Strategy for RRMC.
d. Select the Commander, RRMC in coordination with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
e. Develop guidance for RRMC space allocation and use in accordance with the RRMC CONOPS and in coordination with the USD(P) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
f. Provide oversight, direction, and control of RRMC space allocation and use.
g. Approve budgetary resources for RRMC to include operating and capital budgets, capital equipment purchases, capital improvement projects, and military construction projects for inclusion in the RRMC Annex to the Pentagon Reservation Master Plan.
h. Provide full-service industrial hygiene program support to RRMC in accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6055.05 (Reference (h)) and food safety and sanitation services in accordance with DoDI 1338.10 (Reference (i)).
2. COMMANDER, RRMC. The Commander, RRMC, under the authority, direction, and control of the Director, WHS, shall command RRMC and organize and manage its assigned military and civilian personnel, units, and other resources to ensure RRMC is postured to accomplish its mission, responsibilities, and functions prescribed in this Instruction, and shall:
a. Manage the organizational and staff elements of RRMC, consistent with regulations and with policies and procedures established for the operation, management, and security of the Pentagon Reservation.
b. Exercise overall authority and responsibility for the operation, management, IT, information management (IM), security, and force protection of RRMC for RRMC tenants.
c. Collaborate with the Director, Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA), to develop, coordinate, and execute comprehensive planning, training, and exercises necessary to protect RRMC. Planning shall include security force requirements, to include augmentation forces, and contingency plans for hostage situations, bomb threats, civil disturbances, and actions to withstand or repel penetration and seizure efforts by militants, terrorists, unlawful demonstrators, or other criminal elements.
d. (FOUO) Develop, coordinate, and execute comprehensive planning, training, and exercises necessary to achieve and maintain the capability to support the execution of DoD MEFs in an all-hazards threat environment.
e. (FOUO) On order, perform joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (JRSOI).
f. (FOUO) Exercise overall on-site responsibility for antiterrorism and force protection, physical security, fire protection and emergency services, law enforcement, and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) defense to ensure that RRMC can continue operations in the event of a national security emergency.
g. Plan, program, and budget for the operation and management of RRMC in accordance with guidance provided by the WHS Financial Management Directorate. Coordinate RRMC common IT, IM, and telecommunications infrastructure and systems budgetary requirements through the Director, RRMC IT, and the OSD Chief Information Officer (CIO) and in coordination with Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (ASD(NII))/DoD CIO).
h. Exercise overall on-site responsibility for common IT support and IM services. This includes but shall not be limited to telecommunications, automation, visual information, IM control, and related information systems security.
i. (FOUO) Provide goods and services in accordance with the standards in the WHS RRMC publication (Reference (j)) in support of RRMC tenants. Acquire support from other DoD activities when in-house capabilities do not exist or when support can be obtained more efficiently or effectively from other existing DoD capabilities. Provide and maintain installation food service operations capable of supporting all military and civilian personnel in an all-hazards threat environment, to include all contingency situations, surges, operations, and exercises.
j. Coordinate with the Director, PFPA, in:
(1) Selecting the Director of RRMC Force Protection and Emergency Services (FP&ES) and rating the performance of that official. (The Director, PFPA, shall review the performance of that official pursuant to paragraph 5.d. of this enclosure.)
(2) Resourcing and staffing the PFPA detachment.
k. Provide intermediate rater input to the Army on the performance of the Director, RRMC IT.
l. Provide base operations support to elements of the PFPA detachment assigned to perform the force protection mission at RRMC in accordance with Reference (j).
m. Provide base operations support to Operating Location Alpha, Air Force Operations Group (OL-A, AFOG), and provide sufficient internal and external workspaces to allow OL-A, AFOG, to meet weather support requirements.
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