013 Network Operations (NetOps) Command and Control (C2) Reporting Structure
- v1.0
- 4 pages
- For Official Use Only
- February 15, 2005
Marine Corps Information Assurance Operational Standard (IAOS) a reissued by the Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) Designated Approval Authority (DAA). The IAOS Series provides modules that guide the implementation of policy direction established in MCO 5239.2. The modules provide procedural, technical, administrative, and supplemental guidance for all information systems used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or receipt of data within the MCEN as well as other USMC informntion systems. Each module focuses on a distinct subject and describes a standard methodology for planning, implementing and executing an element of the Marine Corps Information Assurance Program. This module, “Network Operations, Command nnd Control reporting Structure,” outlines the new reporting structure for executing Global Network Operations within the Marine Corps.
The purpose of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) IA Operational Standard 013 Network Operations (NETOPS) Command and Control (C2) Structure outlines the new reporting structure for executing Global Network Operations within the Marine Corps. This Operational Standard is effective on 1 March 2005.
1.2 Background
The Department of Defense Global Information Grid (GIG), of which the Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) is a subset, represents a global battlespace within which we must operate and defend. Recognizing this, USSTRATCOM released reference (a) which organizes the DoD for global NETOPS, with emphasis on supporting the Combatant Commanders. The current NETOPS structure used by the Marine Corps, established by reference (b) does not adequately support this new Joint NETOPS Concept of Operations (CONOPS). The Marine Corps must establish a NETOPS Command and Control Structure that aligns with the current operational and functional Chains of Command. This Operational Standard establishes a new NETOPS Command and Control Structurc for the Marine Corps.
1.3 Objectives
Establish a revised NETOPS C2 structure III order to:
1.3.1 Better safeguard nctwork and information resources.
1.3.2 Streamline the NETOPS C2 process.
1.3.3 Realign NETOPS execution to improve support for the warfighter.
1.4 Scope
This OPSTD applies to all USMC commands, and the NMCI vendor who manages and operates general service (i.e., NIPRNET and SIPRNET) network and information technology resources in support of Marine Corps business and warfighting operations.
The standards are in strict conformance with applicable federal laws and regulations, DoD directives and instructions, and other directive material contained in section 5.0 of this document.
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