The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
Williamsburg Conference, Virginia, USA
20-22 March 1964
H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands
Honorary Secretary General for Europe:
Ernst H. van der Beugel
Honorary Secretary General for the United States:
Joseph E. Johnson
President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Honorary Treasurer:
Paul Rykens
Former Chairman of the Board of Unilever
Deputy Secretary General for Europe:
Arnold T. Lamping
Former Ambassador
Acheson, Dean Former Secretary of State United States
Agnelli, Giovanni Vice-Chairman of the board and Managing Director, Fiat Co. Italy
Ball, George W. Under Secretary of State United States
Baumel, Jacques Senator, Secretary General, Union pour la Nouvelle République, France
Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. Former Minister of Finance France
Beer, Henrik Secretary General, League of Red Cross Societies International
Bennett, Frederic M. Member of Parliament Germany
Berg, Fritz President, Federation of German Industries Germany
Birgi, M. Nuri Ambassador to NATO Turkey
Birrenbach, Kurt Member of Parliament Germany
Brauer, Max Former Burgomaster of Hamburg; Member of Parliament Germany
Buchan, Alastair Director, Institute for Strategic Studies United Kingdom
Bundy, McGeorge Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs United States
Cabot, Louis W. President, Cabot Corp. United States
Cisler, Walker L. Industrialist United States
Collado, Emilio G. Vice President, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) United States
Dean, Arthur H. International Lawyer and Diplomat United States
Defferre, Gaston Department of National Assembly; Mayor of Marseille France
Duncan, James S. Company Director Canada
Dundee, Lord Minster of State for Foreign Affairs United Kingdom
Erier, Fritz Member of Parliament, floor leader Social-Democratic Party Germany
Ford, Gerald R. Congressman United States
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B. Congressman United States
Fulbright, J. William Senator United States
Gallois, Pierre General, specialist in nuclear problems France
Griffin, Anthony G.S. Banker Canada
Gubbins, Sir Colin Industrialist United Kingdom
Haekkerup, Per Minister of Foreign Affairs Denmark
Hauge, Gabriel President, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. United States
Healey, Denis Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on Defense United Kingdom
Heeney, Arnold D. P. Former Ambassador to the United States; Chairman, International Joint Commission on Water Resources Canada
Heinz II, Henry J. Chairman of the board, Heinz Co. United States
Herter, Christian A. Former Secretary of State; Special Representative for Trade Negotiations United States
Hoegh, Leif Shipowner Norway
Holifield, Chet Congressman United States
Jackson, Charles D. Senior Vice President, Time, Inc. United States
Jackson, Henry M. Senator United States
Javits, Jacob K. Senator United States
Jellicoe, Lord First Lord of the Admiralty United Kingdom
Kerchove dOusselchem, Nicolas W. de Assistant, Ecole des Sciences politiques et sociales Belgium
Kissinger, Henry A. Associate Professor, Harvard University Center for International Affairs United States
Kleffens, Eelco N. van Chief Representative in the United Kingdom of the European Coal and Steel Community International
Kundtzon, Harald General Manager, Den Danske Landmandsbank, Denmark
Kohnstamm, Max Vice president, Action Committee for a United States of Europe International
Koster, Henri J. de President, Federation of Netherlands Industries Netherlands
Krapf, Franz Chief of the Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany
Kuhlmann-Stumm, Knut Freiherr von Member of Parliament; floor leader of the Free Democratic Party Germany
La Malene, Christian de Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament France
La Malfa, Ugo Member of Parliament Italy
Lange, Halvard Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway
Lennep, Jonkheer Emile van Chairman, Monetary Committee, EEC; Chairman, Working Party 3 OECD International
Lindsay, Franklin A. President of Itek United States
Lipkowski, Jean de Diplomat; Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament France
Litchfield Jr., Lawrence Chairman of the board, Aluminum Co. of America [Alcoa] United States
Lolli, Ettore Deputy General Manager, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Italy
Luns, Joseph M.A.H. Minister of Foreign Affairs Netherlands
Majonica, Ernst Member of Parliament Germany
Malfatti, Franco M. Under Secretary Ministry of Industry and Commerce Italy
Mansholt, Sicco Vice President, EEC International
McCloy, John J. Lawyer and Diplomat United States
McGhee, George C. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany United States
Meynen, Johannes Managing Director, AKU Netherlands
Murphy, Robert D. President, Corning Glass International United States
Nebolsine, George International Lawyer United States
Nykopp, Johan Former Ambassador; President of Tampella Finland
Pearson, Lester B. Prime Minister Canada
Peccei, Aurelio Managing Director, Italconsult Italy
Pinay, Antoine Former Prime Minister France
Rockefeller, David President, Chase Manhattan Bank United States
Roll, Sir Eric Economic Minister at the British Embassy to the United States; Head of the United Kingdom Treasury and Supply Delegation United Kingdom
Scaglia, Giovanni B. Member of Parliament; Vice Chairman, Christian Democratic Party Italy
Schmid, Carlo Vice President, Federal Parliament Germany
Schweitzer, Pierre-Paul Managing Director, International Monetary Fund International
Shulman, Marshall Research Associate, Russian Research Center, Harvard University; Professor of International Politics, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy United States
Smith, H. Page Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (NATO) International
Snoy et dOppuers, Baron Managing Director, Compagnie dOutremer pour lIndustrie et la Finance Belgium
Speidel, Hans Special Adviser on Defense Matters Germany
Stewart, Michael Member of Parliament United Kingdom
Stikker, Dirk U. Secretary General of NATO International
Stone, Shepard Director, International Affairs Program, Ford Foundation United States
Terkelsen, Terkel Chief Editor Denmark
Umbricht, Victor H. Former Head of Swiss Treasury and Diplomat; President, CIBA Corp., New York Switzerland
Vittorelli, Paolo Senator Italy
Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, Federation of Swedish Industries Sweden
Westrick, Ludger Secretary of State, Office Federal Chancellor Germany
Winters, Robert H. Industrialist Canada
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Senior Partner, Otto Wolff Koln Germany
Wriston, Walter B. Executive Vice President, First National City Bank United States
Wyndham White, Eric Executive Secretary, GATT International
H.R.H. Princess Beatrix Netherlands
Braam Houckgeest, Andreas E. van Netherlands
Chiusano, Vittorino Italy
Humelsine, Carlisle United States
Mozer, Alfred E. Belgium
Roy, Bertie le Netherlands
March 20-22, 1964 – Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
The consequences for the Atlantic Alliance of:
I. apparent changes in the Communist world:
a) Soviet internal developments;
b) the Communist Bloc.
II. possible changes in the attitude of the USSR to the West.
III. recent developments within the Western world.
A) political:
1. how the Atlantic nations should organize themselves;
2. attitudes towards relations with the Communist countries including China.
B) military:
1. NATO strategy;
2. sharing of responsibility for nuclear deterrent.
C) economic:
1. recent developments in the Common Market notably in relation to agriculture and their impact;
2. UN Conference on trade and development, GATT/Kennedy Round;
3. International Finance:
a) balance of payments adjustment and capital markets;
b) liquidity and further evolution of the international monetary structure.
4. East-West trade:
a) trade with the USSR and European satellites;
b) trade with Communist China and Cuba;
c) trading rules and restrictions of credits;
d) coordination of Atlantic Community policy.
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