The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
Knokke Conference, Belgium
21-23 April 1972
H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands
Honorary Secretary General for Europe:
Ernst H. van der Beugel
Honorary Secretary General for the United States:
Joseph E. Johnson
Honorary Treasurer:
C. Frits Karsten
Participant Name | Nationality |
Agnelli, Giovanni | Italy |
Arnold, Hans | Germany |
Ball, George W. | United States |
Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. | France |
Bennett, Sir Frederic | United Kingdom |
Bergsten, C. Fred | United States |
Beyazit, Selahattin | Turkey |
Birgi, M. Nuri | Turkey |
Birrenbach, Kurt | Germany |
Blumenthal, W. Michael | United States |
Brimmer, Andrew | United States |
Brown, Neil A. | Australia |
Browne, H. John C. | United Kingdom |
Brzezinski, Zbigniew | United States |
Buchan, The Hon. Alastair | United Kingdom |
Camps, Miriam | United States |
Camu, Louis | Belgium |
Cittadini Cesi, Il Marchese | Italy |
Collado, Emilio G. | United States |
Colombo, Umberto | Italy |
Colonna di Paliano, Prince Guido | Italy |
Corterier, Peter | Germany |
Culver, John S. | United States |
Dahrendorf, Ralf | International |
David-Weill, Michel | France |
Davignon, Vicomte | Belgium |
Dean, Arthur H. | United States |
Deniau, Jean-Francois | International |
Donhoff, Marion Grafin | Germany |
Ducci, Roberto | Italy |
Dijkgraaf, Anton F. J. | Netherlands |
Espirito Santo Silva, Manuel R. | Portugal |
Fleiner, Thomas | Switzerland |
Griffin, Anthony G. S. | Canada |
Giroud, Francoise | France |
Hallgrimsson, Geir | Iceland |
Hauge, Gabriel | United States |
Heinz II, Henry J. | United States |
Hoegh, Leif | Norway |
Hooft, Maria J. t | Netherlands |
Houghton, Amory Jr. | United States |
Hughes, Thomas L. | United States |
Janssen, Daniel | Belgium |
Janssen, Paul E. | Belgium |
Jolles, Paul | Switzerland |
Kearton, The Lord | United Kingdom |
Kohnstamm, Max | International |
Koster, Henri J. de | Netherlands |
Lambert, Baron | Belgium |
Lennep, Jonkheer Emile van | International |
Lever, Harold | United Kingdom |
Levi, Arrigo | Italy |
Loudon, Jonkheer John H. | International |
Luns, Joseph M. A. H. | International |
MacLaren, Roy | Canada |
Manning, Bayless | United States |
Mathias, Charles McC. Jr. | United States |
McLean, William F. | Canada |
Meynen, Johannes | Netherlands |
Murphy, Robert D. | United States |
Netherlands, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of the | Netherlands |
Netherlands, H.R.H. Prince Claus of the | Netherlands |
Nogueira, Alberto Franco | Portugal |
Nora, Simon | France |
Norlund, Niels | Denmark |
Nykopp, Johan A. | Finland |
Patijn, Schelto | Netherlands |
Payton, Benjamin | United States |
Perkins, James A. | United States |
Raynauld, Andre | Canada |
Rees-Mogg, William | United Kingdom |
Reverdin, Olivier | Switzerland |
Riboud, Jean | France |
Rockefeller, David | United States |
Roll, Sir Eric | United Kingdom |
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de | France |
Sabouret, Yves | France |
Scalapino, Robert | United States |
Schaetzel, Robert | United States |
Schroder, Gerhard | Germany |
Seip, Helge | Norway |
Snoy et dOppuers, Baron | Belgium |
Solvay, Jacques | Belgium |
Sorensen, Svend O. | Denmark |
Stone, Shepard | United States |
Summerskill, Shirley | United Kingdom |
Tatu, Michel | France |
Taylor, Arthur R. | United States |
Terkelsen, Terkel M. | Denmark |
Tidemand, Otto G. | Norway |
Umbricht, Victor H. | Switzerland |
Vandeputte, Robert | Belgium |
Wagner, Gerrit A. | Netherlands |
Wallenberg, Marcus | Sweden |
Warren, Jack H. | Canada |
Westerman, Sir Alan | Australia |
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto | Germany |
Zijlstra, Jelle | Netherlands |
Zumwalt, Elmo Jr. | United States |
Hulhoven, L. | Belgium |
Vernede, E. | Netherlands |
Warmenhoven, J. T. | Netherlands |
Getchell, Ch. W. Jr. | United States |
Beugel, Th-M. van der | Netherlands |
April 21-23, 1972 – Knokke, Belgium
I. The state of the Western community in the light of changing relationships among the non-communist industrialized countries and the impact of changing power relationships in the Far East on Western security
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