The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.
11-13 May 1984
Walter Scheel*
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Conrad J. Oort*
Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.
NOR | Henrik Aasarod | President, Norwegian Seamens Union |
USA | Kenneth L. Adelman | Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Department of State |
ITA | Giovanni Agnelli** | President, FIAT S.p.A. |
TUR | Yildirim Akturk | Former Under Secretary of State, Planning Organization |
USA | Dwayne O. Andreas | Chairman of the Board, Archer-Daniels Midland Co., Inc. |
AUS | Hannes Androsch* | Chairman of the Managing Board, Creditanstalt-Bankverein; Former Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Finance |
USA | Hans H. Angermueller | Vice Chairman of the Board, Citicorp |
USA | George W. Ball** | Former Under Secretary of State |
POR | Francisco Pinto Balsemao | Former Prime Minister; Director Jornal Expresso |
UK | John F.H. Baring | Chairman, Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd. |
NETH | H.M. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands | |
USA | Jack F. Bennett* | Diector and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation |
USA | C. Fred Bergsten | Director, Institute for International Economics; Former Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Department of the Treasury |
FRG | Christoph Bertram | Political Editor, Die Zeit; Former Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London |
NETH | Ernst H. van der Beugel | Professor of International Relations, Leyden University; Director of Companies |
TUR | Selahattin Beyazit* | Director of Companies |
ICE | Bjorn Bjarnason | Political Editor, Morgunbladid |
USA | Nicholas Brady | Chairman, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc.; Former U.S. Senator (New Jersey) |
CAN | Albert A. Breton | Professor of Economics, Institute for Policy Analysis, University of Toronto |
USA | William P. Bundy** | Editor, Foreign Affairs |
USA | Richard R. Burt | Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs |
USA | Louis W. Cabot | Chairman of the Board, The Cabot Corporation |
GRE | Angelos Canellopoulos | Vice President, Titan Cement Co., S.A.; Member of the Board, Union of Greek Industries |
GRE | Costa Carras* | Member of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners |
UK | Lord Carrington | Secretary-General-designate NATO |
SPA | Jaime Carvajal Urquijo | Chairman, Banco Hispano Industrial |
FRA | Jean-Pierre Chevenement | Member of the National Assembly; President of CERES; Former Minister of Industry |
NETH | H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands | |
CAN | W. Harriet Critchley | Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary |
INT | Vicomte Etienne Davignon | Vice President, Commission of the European Communities |
NETH | Wisse Dekker | President, Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken N.V. |
CAN | L.A. Delvoie | Chairman, Task Force Work Group, Prime Ministers Task Force on East-West Relations and International Security |
CAN | David A. Dodge | Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Planning, Department of Employment and Immigration |
UK | James Eberle | Director, The Royal Institute of International Affairs |
DEN | Uffe Ellemann-Jensen | Minister of Foreign Affiairs |
USA | Thomas O. Enders | U.S. Ambassador to Spain |
IRE | Garret Fitzgerald | Prime Minister |
LUX | Colette Flesch | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
USA | Murray H. Finley* | President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union AFL-CIO |
NETH | Max Geldens | Director, McKinsey & Company Inc. |
USA | Charles Getchell* | Partner, Gray & Wendell (Attorneys-at-Law); Rapporteur, Bilderberg Meetings |
SWE | Sten Gustafsson* | Chairman of the Board, Saab-Scania AB |
ICE | Geir Hallgrimsson* | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
CAN | Charles H. Hantho | President and Chief Executive officer, C-I-L Inc. |
NOR | H.R.H. Crown Prince Harald of Norway | |
UK | Denis W. Healey | Member of Parliament |
USA | Henry J. Heinz II** | Chairman of the Board, H.J. Heinz Company, Inc. |
FRG | Alfred Herrhausen* | Managing Director, Deutsche Bank A.G. |
UK | Michael Heseltine | Secretary of State for Defence |
AUS | Gerald Hinteregger | Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
USA | John J. Horan | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Merck & Co., Inc. |
FIN | Jaakko Iloniemi | Member of the Management Board of the Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador of Finland to the U.S. |
BEL | Daniel E. Janssen* | Chairman of the Executive Committee, U.C.B., S.A. |
SWI | Robert A. Jeker | President of the Executive Board, Credit Suisse |
SWE | Lennart Johansson | President and Group Executive, AB SKF; Vice Chairman of the Federation of Swedish Industries |
USA | Vernon E. Jordan* | Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League |
FRG | Karlheinz Kaske | President and Chief Executive Officer, Siemens A.G. |
GRE | Louka T. Katseli | Scientific Director, Centre of Planning and Economic Research |
USA | David T. Kearns | President and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation |
USA | Henry A. Kissinger* | Former Secretary of State; Professor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University |
UK | Andrew Knight* | Editor, The Economist |
INT | Max Kohnstamm** | Former President, European University Institute, Florence |
NOR | Kare Kristiansen | Minister of Petroleum and Energy |
BEL | Baron Lambert* | Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. |
FRG | Otto Graf Lambsdorff | Minister of Economic Affairs |
INT | Emile van Lennep | Secretary-General, O.E.C.D. |
USA | Flora Lewis | Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York Times, Paris Bureau |
BEL | Andre Leysen | Chairman, Federation of Belgian Enterprises; Chairman, Agfa-Gevaert Group |
SWE | Assar Lindbeck | Professor of International Economics, University of Stockholm |
USA | Winston Lord* | President, The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. |
NETH | Aarnout A. Loudon | President Board of Management, AKZO NV |
INT | Joseph M.A.H. Luns | Secretary-General, NATO |
SWI | Franz Lutolf* | General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation |
CAN | Donald S. Macdonald* | Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy; Chairman, Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada |
USA | Bruce K. MacLaury* | President, The Brookings Institution |
USA | David J. Mahoney | David Mahoney Ventures |
SPA | Miguel Angel Martinez | Member of Parliament and Vice President, Foreign Affairs Committee |
USA | Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. | United States Senator (Maryland) |
FRA | Thierry de Montbrial* | Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique |
ITA | Mario Monti* | Professor of Monetary Theory and Policy, University of Bocconi, Milan; President, SUERF |
SWE | Curt Nicolin | Chairman of the Swedish Employers Confederation |
DEN | Niels Norlund* | Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende |
FRA | Christine Ockrent | Editor-in-Chief, Antenne II |
SWE | Clas-Erick Odhner | Head of the Research Section of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation |
INT | Robert ONeill | Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies |
SWE | Olof Palme | Prime Minister |
POR | Andre Goncalves Pereira | Professor of International Law, University of Lisbon; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs |
USA | William B. Quandt | Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution |
UK | John M. Raisman | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Shell U.K. |
USA | Alice M. Rivlin | Director Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution; Former Director, the Congressional Budget Office |
USA | David Rockefeller** | Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee |
INT | Bernard W. Rogers | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
UK | Lord Roll of Ipsden** | Chairman, S.G. Warburg & Co. |
UK | Sir John Sainsbury* | Chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC |
SPA | Juan Tomas de Salas | Editor, Cambio 16 and Diario 16 |
AUS | Wolfgang Schussel | Secretary General, Austrian Economic Federation |
FRA | E. Antoine Seilliere* | Director-General, Compagnie dIndustrie et de Participations |
USA | Marshall D. Shulman | Director, W. Averell Harriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet Union, Columbia University |
USA | Joseph J. Sisco | Partner, Sisco Associates; Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs |
FRG | Theo Sommer* | Publisher, Die Zeit |
DEN | Poul J. Svanholm | President and Group Chief Executive, United Breweries Ltd. |
SWE | Stig Synnergren | Principal Aide-de-Camp to the King; Former Supreme Commander |
TUR | Sarik Tara | Chairman, ENKA Group of Companies |
FRG | Horst Teltschik | Head of Department Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Chancellors Office |
SWE | Anders Thunborg | Minister of Defense |
NOR | Otto Grieg Tidemand | Shipowner, Former Minister of Defense |
POR | Emilio Rui Vilar | Vice Governor, Bank of Portugal |
SWE | Peter Wallenberg | Vice Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken |
NOR | Niels Werring, Jr.* | Senior Partner, Wilh. Wilhelmsen |
SWE | Hans Werthen | Chairman, AB Electrolux |
USA | John C. Whitehead | Senior Partner, Goldman, Sachs & Co., Inc. |
FRG | Otto Wolff von Amerongen** | Chairman of the Board of Management, Otto Wolff A.G. |
SWE | Kai Hammerich | Senior Vice President, Saab-Scania AB; Supervisor Swedish Conference |
UK | John Hennings | Former High Commissioner in Singapore |
NETH | Anne Hoogendoorn | Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings |
USA | Charles Muller | Assistant Secretary, American Friends of Bilderberg; President, Murden & Co. |
USA | Charles Getchell | Partner, Gray & Wendell (Attorneys-at-Law) |
USA | Grant F. Winthrop | Communications and Public Relations Consultant |
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
May 11-13, 1984 – Saltsjobaden, Sweden
I. Western Power and the Middle East: A Case Study in Atlantic Relationships
II. The State of Arms Control Negotiations
III. Future Employment Trends in the Industrialized Democracies
IV. Discussion of Current Events
IV. The Soviet Union, the West and the Third World – A Case Study: Central America
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