The seventeenth Bilderberg Meeting was held at the Lodge at Mont Tremblant (Canada) on 26, 27 and 28 April 1968 under the chairmanship of H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands.
There were 87 participants from the United States, Canada and fifteen Western European countries as well as from various international organizations. They consisted of members of governments, politicians, prominent businessmen, representatives of employers’ organizations and trade unions, journalists, leading national and international civil servants and important figures in other fields.
In accordance with the rules adopted at each meeting, all participants spoke in a purely personal capacity without in any way committing whatever government or organization to which they might belong. In order to enable participants to speak with the greatest possible frankness, the discussions were confidential, the press not being admitted.
The Agenda was as follows:
I. The Relations between the West and the Communist Countries.
II. Internationalization of Business.
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