1.0 Introduction
AT&T is pleased to provide this Analytical Services Service Statement of Work (SOW). For Official Use Only and contains proprietary, confidential, trade secret, or commercial information (PROPIN) owned by the AT&T.
2.0 Scope of Work
AT&T shall provide certain data and reports to the Government Agency, as specified in section 3.0 Tasks. The data that will be provided to the Government Agency is limited to telecommunications information and records and analysis thereof. In addition to the items provided in section 3.0 Tasks, AT&T shall provide expedited processing of information requested by compulsory legal requests (collectively referred to as Legal Process) regarding telecommunications information and records under the AT&T’s ownership or control.
3.0 Task
3.1 Task Area 1 :Telecommunications Analysis Support to Government Agency
AT&T shall provide the following:
a. AT&T will provide telecommunications analysis services to Government off-site, as mission requirements dictate.
b. AT&T will receive the Legal Process, enter and retrieve the data at a non-customer location.
3.2 Task Area 2: Call Detail Records (CDRs) Telecommunications Information to the Government Agency
AT&T shall provide the following:
a. AT&T will interpret and transform the Government Agency’s requested CDRs into suitable format along with ensuring accurate technical interpretation to meet the Government Agency’s requirements.
b. AT&T will provide CDRs from the following types of records requested by Legal Process within the scope of this SOW:
• Long Distance CDR
• International CDR
• Local CDR
• Cellular CDR
• SMS transition records (no content)
c. AT&T will have the ability to provide (and shall perform as specifically requested) as the data obtained by Legal Process permits, the following types of analysis:
• Analysis of frequently dialed contacts
• Analysis of commonality between CDRs.
• Analysis of International contacts
• Normalization of international numbers so the numbers meet ITU-T E.164 standards (normalization)
• Recommendation of possible new phone number when the original phone has dropped (dropped phone analysis)
• Recommendation of possible additional phones when it is suspected that the target of the investigation is using multiple phones (additional phone analysis)
• Penlink CDR analysis to include:
o Target summary reporting
o Target dialed frequency reporting
o Common calls report
o Penlink archived calls
o 12 Format Record
o 12 Link Charting
o Link chart that charts requested CDRs
o Geotime geospacial mapping
• Target Deconfliction
• Storage of CDRs for deconfliction purposes
Note: CDRs delivered under this section shall not contain content as that term is defined in applicable U.S. law. The CDRs delivered under this section also shall not contain cell-site location data unless requested by Legal Process as allowed by applicable law
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