Telphone Directory Military Base Camp Pendleton
- 132 pages
- For Official Use Only
- Spring 2000
DO NOT DISCUSS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ON NONSECURE TELEPHONES. OFFICIAL DOD TELEPHONES ARE SUBJECT TO MONITORING FOR COMMUNICATION SECURITY PURPOSES AT ALL TIMES. DOD telephones are provided for the transmission of official government information and are subject to communications security monitoring at all times. Use of official DOD telephones constitutes consent to communications security telephone monitoring in accordance with DOD Directive 4640.6.
Use of Defense Switched Network (DSN) is limited to official calls of users with DSN service assigned to their extension. Users of Classes A, B, and C telephone services are not equipped or authorized to make outgoing DSN calls.
Defense Switched Network (DSN) is a nonsecure network. Users are reminded that care must be exercised to protect classified information by not discussing such information over the DSN or alluding to such Information.
Users placing DSN calls should limit their calls to that necessary to accomplish business, enabling all users access to DSN lines.
Military precedence is assigned to each DSN capable extension. A different precedence may be requested from the Marine Corps Base DSN operator. Calls might be preempted by an DSN call of higher precedence. The military precedences to be utilized within DSN are:
a. FLASH – Flesh precedence is reserved for alerts, warnings, or other emergency actions having Immediate bearing on national command or area authority.
b. IMMEDIATE – Immediate precedence is reserved for vital communications:
1) That have an immediate operational effect on tactical operations.
2) Which directly concern safety or rescue operations.
3) Which affect the intelligence community’s operational role.
c. PRIORITY – Priority precedence is reserved for calls which require prompt completion for national defense and security, the successful conduct of war or to safeguard life or property, which do not require higher precedence.
d. ROUTINE . Routine precedence it reserved for all other official communications.
Defense Switched Network (DSN) numbers are changing daily. If the user reaches a recording indicating that the number is not in service, etc. call Camp Pendleton Directory Assistance, extension 725-4111 for the correct number. If the DSN number is not known, also dial 725-4111 for the desired telephone number.
A MINIMIZE condition may be imposed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a communications management measure because of emergency which requires that only critical communications be made to that area. Calls to such an area will be limited to those calls assisting in emergency.
The following procedures apply for calls made from a class DSN extension:
a. To place DSN calls using the precedence assigned to your extension, users with DSN services on their extension will dial 8 + 8 and receive a second dial tone. When the second dial tone is received, dial the desired 7 digit DSN number.
b. To place DSN calls using a precedence different than that assigned to your extension, dial 8 + 0, and place your call through the operator.
c. To place DSN calls to an overseas number (Pacific Area), dial 8 + 8, wait for the second dial tone, dial 315, then dial the desired 7 digit DSN number. To place DSN calls to the European Area, dial 8 + 8 + 225-7366, and paw the information to the Command Center Operator.
Off-Net Defense Switched Network (DSN) telephone calls are for use with only official telephone calls. This service enable users to call an Off-Net switchboard which interfaces with the commercial telephone system and completes an official call to a subscriber without DSN telephone service.
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