Governor’s Office of Homeland Security
- 38 pages
- December 2, 2009
The purpose of the Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is to provide a follow-on companion document to the Colorado Homeland Security Strategy and the priorities set by the State Improvement Planning Workshop. It is a living document that will be updated and refined annually. The Multiyear TEP provides a roadmap for Colorado to follow in accomplishing the priorities described in the Homeland Security Strategy through effective trainings and exercises. In addition to supporting the national priorities, the Colorado State Homeland Security Strategy outlines the following state priorities regarding training and exercise:
- Improve training systems to ensure standards for all capabilities are met in a timely and coordinated manner;
- Improve exercise planning, scheduling, execution, and evaluation activities.
Each priority target capability set by the State corresponds to a National Priority, and, where applicable, an Improvement Plan (IP) action from the previous year’s After Action Review. Additionally, national planning scenarios were also prioritized after the State Improvement Planning Workshop. The State priority planning scenarios are: Pandemic Influenza and Improvise Explosive Device (IED). In addition, the nine all-hazards regions were asked to prioritize a list of four planning scenarios in order to focus their capabilities-based planning, training and exercise efforts.