This redacted email was released via FOIA requests and discusses a luncheon held at the Pentagon in February 2002 which was organized around a presentation (Islam and Middle Eastern Politics and Culture) given by Anwar al-Awlaki. For more context on the email, please see:
New Details on Anwar al-Awlaki’s 2002 Luncheon at the Pentagon
RE: Luncheon Speaker -Islam and Middle Eastern politics and culture – February 5th
- 3 pages
- February 1, 2002
Hi everyone,
Remember our luncheon series? Although this luncheon is not part of that series, I have been able to obtain a speaker who can talk to us on whichever of the above topics we would like, or give us a taste of each, and to take questions. Mr. Haynes has no objections to our going forward with this project, but his schedule is too hectic to commit at this time. We probably need to narrow the topic to allow for the short time at a luncheon.
Anwar Awlaki is the Imam at Dar Al-Hijrah in Falls Church, Va, which is one of the largest Islamic Centers in the United States. He is currently working on his PhD in Human Resource Development at George Washington University, received a Master of Education Leadership from San Diego state University and his BS in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University. He completed Islamic Studies in Yemen. He has been doing extensive public speaking on the above topics, especially since the events on September 11. Mr. Nihad Awad, President of the Counsel of American-Islamic Relations has also expressed interest in attending. Mr. Amr Moussa, the Secretary General of the Arab League, will be in D.C. on February 4th and 5th, although I don’t think that our luncheon will have the clout to get his attendance!
I had the privilege of hearing one of Mr. Awlaki’s presentations in November and was impressed both by the extent of his knowledge and by how he communicated that information and handled a hostile element in the audience. I particularly liked how he addressed how the average Middle Eastern person perceives the United States and his views on the international media.
I have reserved one of the executive dining rooms for February 5th, which is the date he preferred, from 12:00 to 1:30. He will be leaving for an extensive period of time on February 11th. We will need a minimum attendance of 15 to get those rooms. Unfortunately, we all have to eat the same thing and the food has to be served to get one of those rooms. Assuming that sandwiches will be the easiest thing to get consensus on, here are the selections:
Smoked turkey
Roast Beef
Smoked Ham
East side West side (beef, turkey and bacon on marbled rye)
– the chef will create something special for vegetariansIt will come with a salad and beverage. The cost will range between $14 to $15, depending on how many attend. If you are interested in attending, please let me know the following ASAP:
1. Your sandwich choice (remember majority rules) – if I am wrong about a sandwich and you want to try for consensus on a hot chicken, beef, pasta, seafood or salad, please let me know. Most of the others will have additional expense.
2. The time, if 12-1:30 is not the best
I need a firm number and money by 1/31. My room is 3D941. Sorry for the short notice, but we had several delays along the way!
Thanks for your consideration – I think you’ll enjoy it if you come. He is very informative and this is certainly a hot topic that we would all like to learn a little more about.
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