Public Intelligence
Coverage in the Netherlands of a recent request by the Dutch police to remove issues of Inspire magazine from this website has often misrepresented our position, referring to this site as an “al-Qaeda website”, while failing to explain the nature of what we do. Articles about the request have even been accompanied by gratuitous photos of Osama Bin-Laden. The fact that our publication of Inspire magazine is not supportive or promotional, but done for “educational and informational purposes” seems to have been missed by many Dutch readers. This is despite the fact that we have included uncharacteristic disclaimers stating this fact on every page where we have made Inspire magazine available. To any regular reader of this site it should be painfully obvious that we are not supporting, condoning or encouraging the activities contained in the magazine, or any other material we publish.
Therefore, to demonstrate the value of our publication of material like Inspire magazine, we have compiled a list of links to security studies, scholarly articles, and government reports that have utilized material published on this site to inform their research. Every report or article referenced contains citations or references to material on this site specifically relating to Islamic extremism and the so-called “War on Terror”. The large amount of academic research and journalism supported by other material on this site has not been included.
Examples of Security Studies Citing this Website
Center for Strategic and International Studies. A Threat Transformed: Al-Qaeda and Associated Movements in 2011. February 2011.
International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence. Challenging the Influence of Anwar al-Awlaki. September 2010.
Security Studies. Explaining the Awakening: Engagement, Publicity, and the Transformation of Iraqi Sunni Political Attitudes. Routledge University Press, March 2011.
European Muslim Research Centre. Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Hate Crime: UK Case Studies 2010. University of Exeter, 2011.
Brennan Center for Justice. Rethinking Radicalization. New York University School of Law, 2011.
International Review of the Red Cross. International Law and Armed Non-state Actors in Afghanistan. March 2011.
Chatham House. Yemen and Somalia: Terrorism, Shadow Networks and the Limitations of State-building. October 2010.
Australian Counter Terrorism Conference. The Emergent Challenges for Policing Terrorism: Lessons from Mumbai. Security Research Centre, School of Computer and Security Science, Edith Cowan University, December 2010.
Eli Berman (UC San Diego), Michael Callen (UC San Diego), Joseph H. Felter (Hoover Institution), Jacob N. Shapiro (Princeton University). Do Working Men Rebel? Insurgency and Unemployment in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Philippines. August 2010.
Kooperation Asylwesen Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz. Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan. March 2011.
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). Protection of civilians in theory – a comparison of UN and Nato approaches. December 15, 2010.
European Commission. A Reference Security Management Plan for Energy Infrastructure. European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Summer 2010.
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