National Level Exercise 2012 Private Sector Participant Guide
- 19 pages
- February 29, 2012
- 3.16 MB
This document is intended to provide private sector stakeholders with an overview of NLE 2012, to include a discussion of the exercise timeline, a snapshot of the exercise scenario, and a review of the various potential exercise participation opportunities.
1.1 NLE 2012 Scope
National Level Exercises and the predecessor Top Official exercises continue to involve broad participation based on exercise objectives, scenario implications, and other considerations. This year is no different. NLE 2012 participants include various states within Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regions I, II, III, and V. The primary subject area and specific audiences for this scenario include Information Technology, Communications, Water, and Mass Transit/Rail. With limited exception, these are the main focus of the Players and Simulation Cell subject matter experts. Interested parties outside of that scope will still find value in the Virtual Participation and Downloadable tabletop.
2.0 Private Sector Participation Value Proposition
Participation in NLE 2012 will provide private sector organizations a variety of benefits, ultimately contributing to an enhanced understanding of information sharing, response, and incident management activities related to a national cyber event. More specifically, it is anticipated that through participation in NLE 2012, private sector organizations, in collaboration with Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government partners as well as other exercise stakeholders, will:
- Achieve a better collective understanding of the cyber challenges within and across sectors.
- Examine and better understand cyber threat alert, warning, and information sharing across sectors and between government and the private sector
- Contribute to defining government and private sector roles and responsibilities in cyber incident response and recovery under the National Cyber Incident Response Plan (NCIRP).
- Test and examine government-private sector coordinating structures, processes, and capabilities regarding cyber incident response and recovery.
3.0 NLE 2012 Overview
NLE 2012 is sponsored by the FEMA’s National Exercise Division (NED) and includes participation of all levels of government; appropriate Federal department and agency senior officials, their deputies, and staff; and key operational elements. NLE 2012 will examine the Nation’s ability to coordinate and implement prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans and capabilities pertaining to a significant cyber event or a series of related cyber events. Unique to NLE 2012 will be an emphasis on the shared responsibility among the Federal Government; state, local, tribal nations, and territories; the private sector; and international partners to manage risk in cyberspace and respond together to a cyber event with national consequences.
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