- 18 pages
- For Official Use Only
- May 20, 2006
• A National Guard Task Force, task-organized for the mission requirements, may include many specialized capabilities:
• C2, Assessment (including the WMD CST), Intelligence, Information Operations, Communications, Critical infrastructure (physical and cyber) survey and protection, Engineering, Logistics, Security forces (air and ground), Aviation, Emergency medical treatment, triage and stabilization, Casualty decontamination operations, Operations in a Contaminated CBRNE environment, SAR, Additional forces
On order, the NG CERFP will deploy to a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and high yield Explosive (CBRNE) incident to support civil and military authorities conducting consequence management operations to save lives and prevent human suffering. Specifically, the NG CERFP will provide capabilities to locate and extract victims from a contaminated environment, conduct
casualty/patient decontamination, and provide lifesaving medical triage.…
– Provides initial communications capability to the Incident Commander (IC) during manmade or natural disasters
– Telephone, Single channel radio, Video Teleconference (VTC), and Data
• On-site communications via Land Mobile Radios – diverse comms interoperability
• DSN, Commercial telephone, Internet, and VTC via satellite through SkyPort Commercial Satellite Ground Station in Houston TX
– 1 hour setup, including tent, generator and air conditioner
– Air and ground transportable
• MobileIRIS (Incident Response Info System)
– Wireless, bar code scanning technology
– Track responders on scene, patients – to include location, symptoms, care provided, drugs administered, where transported to
– Information available in central data base for that incident – visible to managers
– WA is test bed for this technology for NGCERFP program
– Can also track responders & equipment
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