Robert Murphy Steering Committee Correspondence Related to 1969 Bilderberg Meeting
The following document is part of a series of Bilderberg documents obtained from academic institutions, diplomatic libraries and legal archives spanning a large portion of the group's history.

Robert Murphy Steering Committee Correspondence Related to 1969 Bilderberg Meeting
Page Count: 27 pages
Date: September 1968 - December 1968
Restriction: Confidential
Originating Organization: Bilderberg Group
File Type: pdf
File Size: 21,200,486 bytes
File Hash (SHA-256): 0C173F58807F22F93738852B06270BF1ABA92B48E54D5F521E93FDAEE6B2B6B6
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File Contents
- Letter to American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee from Joseph E. Johnson, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, December 13, 1968
- Letter to Robert Murphy from Joseph E. Johnson regarding potential attendees for the 1969 conference, November 14, 1968
- Letter to Robert Murphy from Joseph E. Johnson regarding potential attendees for the 1969 conference, November 27, 1968
- Letter to the “Members of the Steering Committee” from Arnold Lamping of Bilderberg Meetings, November 14, 1968
- Letter from Max Kohnstamm to professor E.H. van der Beugel regarding potential attendees for the 1969 conference, November 5, 1968
- Confidential list of suggested Bilderberg participants for the 1969 conference, November 27, 1968
- Letter from Robert Murphy to Joseph E. Johnson regarding the steering committee meeting in October 1968, November 1, 1968
- Letter to Robert Murphy from Joseph E. Johnson containing the minutes of the October 1968 steering committee meeting, October 30, 1968
- Minutes of the October 1968 steering committee meeting at Soestdijk Palace
- Letter from professor E.H. van der Beugel to steering committee members regarding the upcoming meeting in October 1968, September 24, 1968

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