National Security Agency Information Assurance Directorate
- Version 1.0
- For Official Use Only
- October 26, 2004
(U) The GIG IA Capability/Technology Roadmap document presents a fairly complete view of all the technologies that can or should be used to implement IA in the GIG. Those that can support the GIG IA vision are examined in detail. Results are presented to describe the ability of the most promising technologies to fulfill needed GIG IA capabilities in terms of technical capability, maturity, development schedule, and availability. Interdependencies between needed capabilities, technology timelines, and gaps between capability needs and technology availability are also described.
(U//FOUO) In developing the roadmap, the team compared the state, trends, and
forecasts of commercial and government technologies available today against the needed
capabilities defined in the RCD. Three main categories of information were used. The
first is documentation and analyses performed by the NSA as part of development of the
IA component of the GIG architecture. This information includes the GIG Mission
Concepts, the As Is state of GIG programs, and the GIG risk analysis. The second
category of information includes current IA standards, technology trends and forecasts
available from commercial sources such as Gartner, IDC, etc. and Government trends and
forecasts. The third type of information—to be used in subsequent versions of the GIG
IA Capability/Technology Roadmap document—is previously-determined technology
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