Public Intelligence
A photo of Osama bin Laden’s wife’s passport that was released by Pakistani Television channel GEO TV appears to be fake in numerous respects. The finger pointing up to supposedly hold open the passport is surrounded by a number of angular white areas indicating that is was poorly cropped and taken from another photograph. The tip of the finger concludes in a notable point because of this poor cropping. Also, the photo of the women that is supposed to be bin Laden’s wife is noticeably an overlay from a separate photograph as it falls outside the margins of the space where the passport photo should be and is surrounded by a white “halo” that is visible over the colored background of the passport. Thanks to for noticing this.

Same photo with arrows highlighting the areas where a white border and unusually sharp edges can be seen on the set of fingers holding the document.

Closeup of the same photo with arrows highlighting the areas where a white border and unusually sharp edges can be seen on the finger holding the document.

Original photo with red box added to trace the margins of the white box that the passport photo should be inside of. Notice the white edges on the right side of the woman's photo and how it exceeds beyond the margins of the box even though the passport itself is not white.
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