This is the design documents for the Allure Defender system. This document is a high level design and API of the components that make up the Allure Defender system. We outline all the high-level pieces and then the individual components, their behaviors, expected input/outputs, and relationships. We will discuss specific implementation and design choices and languages and libraries that will be used. In addition we will cover specific user cases and illustrate some running examples. Last we refer to a running system which implements many of the components we cover in the document.
Tag Archive for Document Leaking
John Kiriakou Former CIA Officer Torture Leak Criminal Complaint
Criminal complaint in the case of United States of America v. John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer who reportedly leaked classified information to reporters regarding the waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah.
Central Intelligence Agency
Unauthorized Disclosures, Security Violations, and Other Compromises of Intelligence Information
This directive is issued pursuant to the authorities and responsibilities of the Director of Central Intelligence under the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, Executive Order 12333, Executive Order 12958, and other applicable authorities to protect intelligence sources, methods, and related information and activities from unauthorized disclosure, ensure programs are developed by the Intelligence Community to protect such information and activities, and to keep the President and Congress fully and currently informed of intelligence activities, including any significant intelligence failure. Applicable provisions cited in DCID 1/1 (19 November 1998) are included by reference. This directive rescinds DCID 3/18P.