(U//FOUO) Currently, no specific or credible information of possible threat to U.S. school bus industry
(U//FOUO) The terrorist threat to school buses in the Homeland is low
(U//FOUO) Foreign-based terrorists and violet extremists continue to attack transportation systems overseas, including school buses
(U//FOUO) TSA-OIA continue to review suspicious activity reporting targeting school buses
(U//FOUO) Overseas IEDs are preferred tactic in attacks on school buses
(U//FOUO) TSA-OIA is not aware of any credible or specific information of pre-operational attack planning against school buses in the Homeland
(U//FOUO) The current threat to U.S. school buses industry is expected to remain LOW throughout 2015
(U//FOUO) Overseas foreign-based terrorist groups and violent extremists remain intent on attacking transportation systems, including school buses
(U//FOUO) IEDs remain preferred tactic of terrorists in attacks on school buses
(U//FOUO) We continue to review, analyze and follow-up on suspicious activity reporting targeting school buses in the Homeland
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