- 132 pages
- Distribution Statement C
- July 2008
This Technical Guide (TG) provides guidance for the planning, design, and implementation of the Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture (I3A) for Army installations worldwide. This document will establish an implementation concept that can be used to shape architectural templates and influence the design process for the I3A. It will identify proven infrastructure construction techniques, define common practices, and serve as an authoritative implementation guide.
In previous engineering designs each area of communications was addressed separately, to include design standards, schedules, and funding. This approach led to confusion, design re-engineering, and duplication of effort. The I3A concept was initiated to synchronize the efforts and formulate a more efficient and effective design process. The I3A establishes an Army-wide Information Technology (IT) architectural design standard. The I3A is the source to fuel effective Army Knowledge Management (AKM) necessary to support the Army Transformation Campaign Plan. The I3A captures installation infrastructure, synchronizes the implementation of automation programs, provides for analysis of operational force and sustaining base connectivity, and identifies costs associated with IT modernization. The I3A Configuration Control Board (CCB) manages I3A issues and tracks developments in IT, information assurance , enterprise systems management (ESM), and automation information system (AIS). The Configuration Control Board (CCB), which oversees several working groups that address IT issues, meets quarterly.
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