OSC Media Aid: Indonesian Media at a Glance
SEF20090105463002 Indonesia — OSC Media Aid in English 05 Jan 09
Indonesian Media at a Glance
Indonesia has one of the world’s freest media environments, with countless new mainstream and Islamic extremist outlets appearing since the fall of former President Suharto in 1998. Reporting and critical commentary range from thoughtful analysis of government policy to harsh critiques of alleged US “conspiracies” for world domination. The top broadcast stations and publications are all privately owned; state-run media have limited impact.
Media Scene 2005-2006 provides the following figures for audience share among those 10 and older:
● Television: 85%
● Radio: 51%
● Newspapers, magazines: 22%
Nationally broadcast secular TV stations have, by far, the biggest audiences. The three most popular TV stations are Jakarta-based commercial RCTI, SCTV, and Indosiar, according to a 2004 InterMedia survey (see SEF20041028000123 ).
While Indonesia has just one local Islamic television station, it has numerous local Islamic radio stations. State-run TVRI television and RRI radio are important on outlying islands where commercial stations are unavailable. Key newspapers include top circulation (over 550,000) nationalist daily Kompas, targeting middle- to upper-income readers; Indo Pos, serving a similar audience from a nationalist but more pro-government viewpoint; and the sensational Pos Kota, which serves middle- and lower-income readers. All three dailies also have online editions to serve the some 25 million Indonesians — 10.5% of the population — with Internet access (Indonesian Internet Service Provider
Association, estimate for year-end 2007).
Islamic media across the ideological spectrum play a key role in both shaping and reflecting the diverse views of the 182 million Muslims who make Indonesia the world’s most populous Islamic country. Sectors with larger audiences, such as the more popular broadcast media, carry Islamic programming that tends to be more moderate and focused on faith rather than politics. Sectors with smaller audiences, however, such as print media and the Internet, include far more Islamic media outlets and also play host to the most extreme viewpoints (along with VCDs and similar products).
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