Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) Concept of Employment (COE)
- 189 pages
- MCEN SIPRNet – COE, Version 4.3
- For Official Use Only
- April 5, 2010
This Concept of Employment (COE) describes the overall concepts, structures, and roles and responsibilities for NetOps Command and Control (C2), planning, Network Common Operational Picture (NetCOP), and systems management as it relates to the Marine Corps Enterprise Network‘s (MCEN‘s) Garrison Secret Internet Protocol (IP) Router Network (SIPRNet). It bridges strategic guidance and detailed operational procedures to describe how the MCEN Garrison SIPRNet is operated and defended through NetOps, much like the Tri-MEF SOP is to the tactical environment.
Concepts highlighted in this document are the Marine Corps regionalization strategy centered on four regions that form the backbone of all net-centric operations. The regions include National Capital Region (NCR), Atlantic, Pacific, and Reserves. Each region is supported by a Regional Network Operations and Security Center (RNOSC). The four regions encompass a total of eight sub-regions which are based on either geographical proximity or functional alignment. The sub-regions further support the regional backbone for all net-centric operations. All Marine Corps Bases/Stations (B/S) fall into one of these sub-regions. The sub-regions include Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC), National Capital Region, East, Reserves, West, Mid Pacific, West Pacific, and Europe. Each sub-region is supported by a single Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Information Technology (IT) Support Center (MITSC) designed to provide IT services to garrison Marine Expeditionary Forces (MEFs) and Marine Corps Supporting Establishments (SE) within its area of responsibility. B/S provides touch labor in support of the MITSCs and Enterprise Service Desk (ESD).
… United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
USCYBERCOM is a subordinate command of USSTRATCOM that directs the operation and defense of the GIG across strategic, operational, and tactical boundaries in support of the DoD‘s full spectrum of warfighting, intelligence, and business operations. USCYBERCOM identifies and resolves computer security anomalies that affect the GIG‘s ability to support Office of the Secretary of Defense, Services, Joint Staff, supported combatant commands and the ―warfighter.
The USCYBERCOM provides command and control of the GIG under the authority of the Commander, USSTRATCOM, through a tiered hierarchy of NetOps centers working together towards a common goal of assuring global decision superiority by maintaining near real-time situational awareness, end-to-end management, and dynamic DoD network defense. USCYBERCOM manages the GIG in accordance with the USSTRATCOM Joint Concept of Operations for GIG NetOps.
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