Officer Foundation Standards II Civil Affairs (38) Officer’s Manual
- STP 41-38II-OFS
- Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only to protect technical or operational information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means.
- April 30, 2004
This publication supports the Army’s officer foundation standards (OFS) system of training. It provides Civil Affairs (CA) company grade officers the training and the knowledge they need to perform their duties. Specifically, it includes—
– Critical branch tasks with standardized task summaries the CA company grade officer must
perform proficiently.
– A bibliography of selected branch reading materials and other related information.
– Tasks that are all first trained to Soldier OFS in the Civil Affairs Qualification Course (CAQC) and/or the unit.Officers and commanders are to order this manual. Units that did not update their pinpoint account by preparing a Department of the Army (DA) Form 12-R (Establishment of a Publicatioins Account) may requisition current editions through their Adjutant General (AG). Officers will use this manual as a training instrument and a self-evaluation tool. Commanders will use this manual to formulate professional development programs for company grade officers on the basis of unit critical mission-essential task lists (METLs). Officers should attain a level of proficiency in performing the tasks in this publication so that their responses will be effective in accomplishing the mission.
Conduct Civil Affairs Activities
331-305-0784Conditions: As an officer on a Civil Affairs (CA) team and given current situation and an operation plan (OPLAN) and/or operation order (OPORD).
Standards: Prepare for, execute, and transition CA tasks associated with CA mission and collateral activities in accordance with the OPORD and/or OPLAN.
Performance Steps
1. Prepare for the conduct of CA mission activities.
a. Assess current conditions against a defined norm or established standards, from receipt of the mission through the mission analysis process.
b. Decide who, what, when, where, why, and how to focus CA assets and activities toward a common operational effect during course of action (COA) analysis, COA decision, and when creating the CA and civil-military operation (CMO) plan.
c. Develop rapport and relationships while detecting conditions that may trigger or mitigate a specific CA/CMO response for input to the common operational picture (COP), which helps set up the common operational response (COR), to achieve a common operational effect (COE).
2. Execute CA mission activities.
a. Conduct foreign nation support (FNS) activities.
(1) Identify or validate sources of FNS.
(2) Consult, enforce, or monitor existing FNS agreements.
(3) Assist in the agreement process where none exists or modification is needed.
(4) Track costs associated with use of FNS assets.
(5) Perform quality control assessments of FNS products, services, and associated costs.
(6) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the use or misuse of FNS.b. Conduct populace and resources control (PRC) activities.
(1) Identify or evaluate existing host nation PRC measures.
(2) Advise on PRC measures that would effectively support the commander’s objectives.
(3) Recommend command guidance on how to implement PRC measures.
(4) Publicize the control measures among host nation authorities and local populace.
(5) Assess the effectiveness of the measures.
(6) Participate in the execution of selected PRC activities as required.
(7) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the implementation of PRC measures.c. Conduct dislocated civilian (DC) operations.
(1) Identify or evaluate existing host nation and/or international community DC plans and operations.
(2) Advise on DC control measures that would effectively support the commander’s objectives.
(3) Advise on how to implement DC control measures.
(4) Publicize the control measures among host nation authorities and local populace.
(5) Assess the effectiveness of the measures.
(6) Participate in the execution of selected DC operations activities, as required.Performance Steps
(7) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the implementation of DC control measures.d. Conduct noncombatant evacuation operations (NEO).
(1) Participate in the writing and coordination of NEO plans.
(2) Identify, validate, or evaluate host nation and/or international community resources designated for use in the NEO.
(3) Participate in the execution of selected NEO activities, as required.
(4) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the implementation of NEO plans.e. Conduct humanitarian assistance (HA) activities.
(1) Participate in interagency assessment, planning, and synchronizing of HA activities.
(2) Identify, validate, or evaluate host nation and/or international community resources designated for use in HA activities.
(3) Participate in the execution of HA activities, as required.
(4) Track costs associated with execution of HA.
(5) Perform quality control assessments of HA activities and costs.
(6) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the execution of HA activities.f. Conduct military civic action (MCA) activities.
(1) Identify, validate, or evaluate MCA project nominations.
(2) Synchronize MCA projects with other programs, both military and civilian.
(3) Participate in the execution of selected MCA activities, as required.
(4) Track costs associated with the execution of MCA.
(5) Perform quality control assessments of MCA activities and costs.
(6) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the execution of MCA activities.g. Conduct emergency services (ES) activities.
(1) Identify, validate, or evaluate host nation and/or international community ES plans and resources designated for use in ES activities.
(2) Participate in interagency assessment, planning, and synchronizing of ES activities.
(3) Participate in the execution of selected ES activities, as required.
(4) Track costs associated with execution of ES.
(5) Perform quality control assessments of ES activities and costs.
(6) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the execution of ES activities.h. Conduct support to civil administration (SCA) activities.
(1) Identify, validate, or evaluate host nation infrastructure.
(2) Understand the needs of the host nation in terms of the CA functional specialties.
(3) Monitor and anticipate future requirements of the host nation in terms of the CA functional specialties.
(4) Perform liaison functions between military and civilian agencies.
(5) Coordinate and synchronize collaborative interagency or multinational support to SCA activities.
(6) Participate in the execution of selected SCA activities, as required.
(7) Perform quality control assessments of SCA activities and costs.
(8) Assist in the arbitration of problems arising from the execution of SCA activities.
(9) Coordinate and synchronize transition of SCA activities from military to indigenous government or international community control.3. Evaluate the results of executed CA mission activities to determine if established measures of effectiveness (MOEs) have been met.
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