1. This manual contains operating instructions, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting procedures for the rifle, 7.62 mm, AK-47. It is divided into five chapters.
2. This manual is written in work package format:
a. Chapters divide the manual into major categories of information (e.g.., General Information, Equipment Description and Data, and Principles of Operation).
b. Each chapter is divided into work packages, which are identified by a 6-digit number (e.g., 0001 00, 0002 00) located at the upper right-hand corner of each page. The work package page number (e.g., 0001 00-1, 0001 00-2) is centered at the bottom of each page.
c. If a change package is issued to this manual, added work packages will use the 5th and 6th digits of their numbers to indicate new material. For instance, work packages inserted between WP 0001 00 and WP 0002 00 are numbered WP 0001 01, WP 0001 02.
3. This manual should be read from beginning to end to become familiar with its organization and contents before you attempt to operate or maintain the equipment.
1. General. The AK-47 rifle is a 7.62 x 39 mm, lightweight, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, shoulder-fired weapon which can be selectively fired on the semi-automatic or full automatic settings.
2. Capabilities. Provides personnel the offensive and defensive capability to engage targets with direct small arms fire.
3. Differences Between Models. The AK-47 rifle can have a fixed or threaded muzzle and it can have a fixed or folding buttstock. The handguards and buttstock can be made of wood, metal, or plastic. The country of origin can be identified by the selector markings or manufacturer’s markings on the right side of the receiver. Refer to Tables 2 and 3.
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