Let’s Talk: A pragmatic approach to interoperability
- 9 pages
- RDML Jan Hamby, Director Command and Control Systems, NORAD & USNORTHCOM
- For Official Use Only
- April 23, 2009
•National Response Framework: Tiered Response Federal to DOD
•DoD is not the Lead Federal Agency
•Provide support only as directed
•Potential missions cover an extremely broad range of activities –anywhere in North America
•Communication interoperability still a nebulous concept
•Strategic, Operational or Tactical?
•Voice, Data, Radio or all of the Above?
•Unclassified, Classified, .www, .com?
•Terminology and languageEnhance interoperability and communications by…
•Reducing the impact of organizational culture, technology and governance as obstacles to information sharing (Process)
•Sharing architectural concepts and ideas to cooperatively extenda common communications infrastructure (Interoperability)
•Improving collaborative information exchange through shared processes and procedures irrespective of organization, agency or department (Information Sharing)Partnering with our mission teammates for successful execution of Homeland Security and Homeland Defense missions
DoD Interoperable Communications Exercise (DICE)
- Forum where DoD systems are “Certified”interoperable
- DoD –> DoD systems
- DoD –> State –Federal –1stResponder
- Can’t claim interoperability –must be proven and signed off by the Joint Interoperability and Test Command
- 2009 event continues to grow
- One venue in 2006 and 2007 w/ limited participation
- Two venues in 2008 w/ participation from over 50 DoD, Federal, State, & Local organizations•Three venues in 2009A
Coalition Warfighter Interoperability Exercise (CWID)
- An event to assess promising communications systems and solutions•USNORTHCOM is the lead for Homeland Security and Defense
- NORAD and USNORTHCOM use the CWID venue to…
- Demonstrate and assess new technology for enhancing interoperability and information sharing among mission teammates
- Develop/refine military vs. non-military relationships •Numerous Federal/State/ and Local Agencies participating•DHS, DoD, National Guard Bureau, US Coast Guard, etc…
- Indiana State EOC, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey•48 Trials and Technologies participating this year
- NORTHCOM is ready to respond as a mission partner
- As directed by the President and SECDEF
- Maintaining SA awareness of DHS and commercial trends to maintain maximum flexibility
- Sharing concepts and ideas to foster a cooperative environment and enable interoperability
- Sponsoring events where the free exchange of information and technical concepts will break down cultural barriers
Everyone is invited to participate
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