Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Reference Book
- 108 pages
- Distribution Statement C
- For Official Use Only
- 2011
- 4.66 MB
PURPOSE: The purpose of the NLW Reference Book is to provide a single source document that contains key information about NLW descriptions, effects, characteristics, concepts of employment, and associated operational parameters and considerations to enhance NLW education and training.
EXPLANATION OF TERMS: The NLW described in this book are at various acquisition stages and of varied Service interest. Service-unique systems meet specific Service needs, often meet Joint needs, and are provided to ensure Joint visibility and consideration. Systems are grouped as follows:
- FIELDED: NLW currently in use.
- PROTOYPE: NLW which have completed development, produced in limited quantities and no fielding decision has been made.
- DEVELOPMENTAL: NLW requiring technological or other improvements prior to production approval. Typically denotes a Service-led program of record with a technical readiness level (TRL) of 5 or higher. Anticipated fielding dates are provided, but are subject to change and should not be used for acquisition or resource planning.
- CONCEPTUAL: Ideas or concepts that can support exercises and modeling &simulations. Typically denotes a pre-acquisition science and technology project with a TRL of 4 or less. Conceptual capabilities do not currently exist, but are potential technologies that could be developed to satisfy a non-lethal requirement in the near future.
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