Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
- Lieutenant Scott Edson
- May 2007
DOTS – DNA Order Tracking System
California Passage of Proposition 69
(11/2004)Expanded the number of subjects for which
DNA can be legally obtained for DNA profile
database(s).• All Felony Convictions
• Qualified Arrest Charges
• Qualified Prior Convictions (including all PC 296
Sex Registrants)Proposition 69 DNA Requirements
• Meet legal requirements for taking DNA sample
• Avoid taking DNA for subjects with DNA
already on-file
• Submit DNA for processing to the appropriate
DNA Crime Lab
• Submit DNA profiles to the FBI CODIS
database for multi-agency crime solving
• Reimburse DNA collection agencies for
processing costs ($30/specimen)DNA Collection Business Goals
• Utilize DNA evidence to support conviction and
exoneration of persons accused of crimes
• Solve current and COLD cases by increasing the
population of DNA profiles in CODISThe FBI Laboratory’s Combined DNA
Index System (CODIS)
CODIS enables federal, state, and local crime
labs to exchange and compare DNA profiles
electronically, thereby linking crimes to other
crimes and persons to crimes.…
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