- 360 pages
- 2002
1. Training is a national responsibility and each NATO country undertakes to train its own units with its own facilities to the limits of its own capabilities. Coordination between units of different nationalities is facilitated if training is based on the doctrine promulgated in Allied Tactical Publications.
2. The state of training of submarines taking part in exercises is presumed to be such that antisubmarine operations may be undertaken. Submarines taking part in submarine versus submarine exercises must be given prior approval for advanced anti-submarine exercises by national commanders.
1. The standard exercises listed in Chapters 3 and 4 of AXP 1 are provided to facilitate the progressive training of different types of ASW units, both independently and in coordination, in the various aspects of anti-submarine warfare. Exercise standards progress from the elementary stage through the more advanced coordinated stage, and culminate in the standards required for participation in major exercises.
2. The individual CASEX provides a framework to progress fundamental training aims (procedural as well as tactical). It is the responsibility of CASEX planning authorities to ensure that this framework is broadened as required to encompass the particular training requirements of individual units. This can be achieved by the use of the appropriate relaxations, exercise instructions and special instructions listed. ASW officers should try to address all relevant aspects of ASW in both deep and shallow water without increasing the difficulty of an ASW training schedule too quickly.
3. Authorities and individual units should also, wherever possible, evaluate new procedures and tactics during ASW training. Where a new tactic appears to contravene the safety rules stated in AXP 1, guidance should be obtained from higher authority and in particular, the appropriate Submarine Operating Authority (SUBOPAUTH).
The majority of information in this publication is, of itself, unclassified. It must be kept in mind, however, that once a particular scenario and training objectives have been chosen, the package so produced and its execution can reveal a great deal about current tactics and operational capabilities. All concerned must ensure that operation orders, message traffic and exercise reports are properly classified to guard against inadvertent release of classified information on weapon and sensor capabilities, platform characteristics or current tactics.
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