The following MOU was published on the website of the Australian Defence Science and Technology Office.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the Government of AUSTRALIA and the Government of the UNITED KINGDOM Concerning National Security and Counter-Terrorism Cooperative Science and Innovation
- 34 pages
- For Official Use Only
- March 2012
1.1 The Government of Australia, and the Government of the United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as the Signatories):
• recognising that both countries have independently conducted science and innovation activities relevant to national security and counter-terrorism, and the benefits of cooperation in the mutual exchange of research Information; and
• seeking to make the best use of their countries’ respective science and innovation capabilities, to eliminate unnecessary duplication of work and to obtain the most efficient and cost-effective results through cooperation in joint research activities; have decided to facilitate bilateral cooperation in national security and counter-terrorism science and innovation by means of this Memorandum of Understanding.1.2 The Signatories acknowledge that this Memorandum of Understanding is not legally binding on the Signatories or Participants. Notwithstanding this, each Signatory intends to implement this Memorandum of Understanding in accordance with its international legal obligations.
3.1 The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding is to establish a framework to encourage, develop and facilitate bilateral cooperative activity in science and technology that contributes to the National Security and Counter-Terrorism activities of both Signatories. This will encompass research, technology development and testing of technologies relating to National Security and Counter-Terrorism through:
3.1.1 systematic and comprehensive studies of a theoretical and experimental nature; and
3.1.2 the practical application of engineering and scientific knowledge.
3.2 This cooperation may include, amongst others, the thematic areas of:
3.2.1 border and transport security;
3.2.2 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives countermeasures (CBRNE);
3.2.3 cyber and electronic security;
3.2.4 emergency management and command and control systems;
3.2.5 intelligence, interdiction and surveillance;
3.2.6 physical and C!critical infrastructure resilience (including interdependency analyses);
3.2.7 social resilience (including community resilience and counter-violent extremism);
3.2.8 systems integration; and
3.2.9 the development and implementation of threat and vulnerability assessments.3.3 In addition, the Signatories will keep each other informed about their national research and development plans which are relevant to the objectives of this Memorandum of Understanding set out at paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 above, with a view to identifying potential areas for further collaboration. The Signatories will examine whether and to what extent collaboration can occur on investment in research and development, including trials.
3.4 The Signatories will investigate how their national research and technology projects, which are relevant to the objectives of this Memorandum of Understanding set out at paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 above, including the use of facilities, can be more effectively coordinated to reduce duplication of effort and to facilitate the free exchange of information.
3.5 The means of achieving these objectives may be implemented in the following forms:
3.5.1 exchange of Information;
3.5.2 joint research;
3.5.3 conduct of joint trials/experiments;
3.5.4 project harmonisation;
3.5.5 exchanges and/or attachments of personnel;
3.5.6 exchange of materials and/or equipment;and other forms of cooperation for achieving the objectives of this Memorandum of Understanding, as may be mutually arranged by Participants.
information Exchange (exchange of information in existence as a result of work carried out by a Participant not under this Memorandum of Understanding)
3.6 Information exchange will take place between Participants on an equitable, balanced and reciprocal basis. Subject to compliance with Participants’ respective national laws, policies and regulations and relevant paragraphs of this Memorandum of Understanding, this Memorandum of Understanding provides for the exchange of Information which is relevant to the objectives of this Memorandum of Understanding set out at paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 above for the purpose of harmonising the Signatories’ and Participants’ respective science and technology requirements and for formulating, developing and negotiating Annexes to this Memorandum of Understanding.
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