The following guide was obtained from the website of the Missouri Association for Court Administration.
FBI Mobile Division
- 1 page
- Law Enforcement Sensitive
- July 2012
Sovereign Citizen (SC) activity typically involves criminal behavior that is generally non-violent but has lead to threats and plots against Court Officials by the more extremist adherents. Below are some indicators that you have encountered a SC during your normal duties and be a signal that additional precautions against fraudulent filings and personal harm be used.
Initial Indicators of SC noticed by filings:
Presentation to the courts of voluminous motions that contain:
o References to UCC codes
o References to Probate type language including estates, trusts, wills, and beneficiaries
o Reference case law that is outdated, irrelevant, and/or taken out of context
o Use outdated language
o Use red ink in written statements, thumb prints, and/or signaturesPresent documents that identify the defendant as a sovereign, law enforcement officer, tribal member, or ambassador
Sign documents with unusual signature, statements, or letters
o Examples include “JOHN:DOE”, “”, “Authorized Signature”, “Without Prejudice UCC 1-208”, “Agent”, “SLS” (sovereign living soul), “TDC” (threats deception coercion)
Request courts sign documents or respond to complicated and rambling inquires usually with a statement to the effect of “failure to reply indicates acceptance of all motions and dismissal of all charges”.
When making a court appearance:
May not want to pass into the “well” of the court.
Claim that the court does not have jurisdiction over them Request to read statements that attempt to justify their sovereignty
Ask the Judge, court officials, attorneys, and/or witnesses for identification or verification of their authority (will commonly ask for “Oath of Office” or “Delegation of Authority”)
Present papers to the courts but not want the court to retain them
Try to convince the Jury that they have ultimate authority and should not take any directions given by the Judge
Defendant may invite other sovereign citizens to court in an effort to disrupt, intimidate, and/or film the proceedings
If the Judge calls for a recess to try to figure out what the sovereign citizen is talking about, the defendant may claim that the Judge has abandoned the court and claim authority to dismiss the case
Following Trial: Court officials may receiving threatening communication Fraudulent liens and claims may be filed against the Judge, witnesses, Jury, other court officials, or their families.
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