New Hampshire 2004 State Homeland Security Strategy

State Homeland Security Strategy (SHSS)

  • 6 pages
  • For Official Use Only
  • May 24, 2004


This document will serve as the first State Homeland Security Strategy (SHSS) for New Hampshire. The purpose of this strategy is to identify a strategic direction for enhancing statewide capability and capacity to prevent and reduce the vulnerability of New Hampshire from weapons of mass destruction (WMD)/terrorism incidents. This is an exceedingly complex mission that requires coordination, cooperation and focused effort from the entire state-citizens, local, state, and federal government, as well as the private and non-profit sectors.

This strategy was developed based upon the results of the New Hampshire assessment completed by eleven (11) designated jurisdictions in December 2003. The assessment included a comprehensive risk, capabilities, and needs assessments. The results of the assessment provided an insight into the requirements of the state.

The State of New Hampshire will apply the resources available from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) to address unique planning, equipment, training, and exercise needs to assist in building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, respond to and recover from threats or acts of terrorism.

The State of New Hampshire will provide the citizens of New Hampshire with a properly equipped,
trained and exercised emergency response force capable of responding, detecting, mitigating and
recovering from the state’s most probable weapons of mass destruction/terrorist event.
1. Use “all-hazards” approach.

2. Build and maintain an emphasis on incident command and unified command structure.

3. Focus resources to allow local jurisdictions to protect responders and save lives until additional
mutual aid, state, regional or federal aid arrives.

4. Enhance capabilities through planning, training, and exercises that includes all disciplines.

5. Enhance and build a fully interoperable, multi-discipline, multi-jurisdictional communications
network encompassing all New Hampshire first responders.

The focus of this strategy is based on FY03 Homeland Security Funding that is allocated to the State
of New Hampshire through March 31, 2005. The State believes that it should focus on the funds
available to us currently and therefore our goals reflect a 2005 deadline. We feel this is an attainable
date for both short and long-term with the goals that we have developed.
When the New Hampshire assessment and strategy effort was initiated, the Governor designated the
Commissioner of the Department of Safety as the State Administrative Agent(SAA)for the State
Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program. The SAA formed several committees at
various levels that includes representatives from all disciplines. The committees were responsible for
making recommendations regarding the strategy preparation phase for program goals, objectives,
and implementation plans. Once those suggestions for completion were made they were presented to
the SAA for review and final approval.

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