Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
- Installation Management Command
- Dennis K. Bohannon, Director, Strategic Communication, Strategic Initiatives Group (OAIM-ZSI)
- 15 pages
- For Official Use Only
- July 28, 2009
“Not only do I have to worry about staying alive, but now I got to worry about whether or not my family’s going to get kicked out of the house. ”
Staff Sgt. Daniel Escamilla
Third combat tour in Iraq
Morlgage payments tripled
Source USA Today 04/24/2008…
A. Overview: Soldiers and Families (Active, Reserve and National Guard) are being negatively affected by the National Housing Market Crisis. This crisis can impact a Soldier’s ability to sell, purchase, or rent their homes during permanent change of station (PCS) transfers, thus, leaving the Soldier with financial and/or Family separation challenges. Many Soldiers feel they have only two options, taking drastic financial actions or becoming geographical bachelors. Many Soldiers and Families are unaware of the extent that assistance is available through military and civilian resources.
B. Strategic Context: The Army must build trust and confidence among Soldiers and Families while recognizing the commitment and increasing sacrifices they make every day. The strength of our Soldiers comes from the strength of their Families. Sustaining Soldiers is critical to sustaining an All-Volunteer Force. Financial and Family crises diminish Soldier and Family Quality of Life, thus affecting the Army’s ability to
sustain the All-Volunteer Force. Such crises impede a Soldier’s ability to focus on the mission at hand, and thus, impact overall unit readiness. The Army is committed to providing Soldiers and Families a Quality of Life commensurate with their service and improving Family readiness. This includes training, counseling , and providing them information to help overcome such challenges. (Sustain)C. Background Discussion: Increasing variable home interest rates , plummeting home market values , historic numbers of foreclosures, and an overall economic downturn have combined to create the housing market crisis.
11. Overarching Communication Strategy: During any pes move, but particularly during the PCS seasons, Soldiers and Families will be alerted and encouraged to utilize the training, counseling and information available to help them overcome housing market crisis issues.
III. Overarching Theme: Training , information and services are available to Soldiers and Families affected by the housing crisis. It is free, confidential , and it’s OK to ask.
iv. Overarching Message: The nation is experiencing a housing market crisis. The chain of command, military and civilian resources, and the Army One Source website (https:/ can provide information to Soldiers and Families to help overcome most housing and financial challenges. The Army cares.
v. Talking Points:
a. Many Soldiers, Families, and Civilians are experiencing difficulties resulting from the housing market crisis. Information, training , and resources are available through the command, support services, and Army One Source at
b. Free, confidential and accurate information is available for Soldiers, Families, or civilians, homeowners and renters to divert or prevent a housing crisis, through their chain of command, Housing Services office, ACS, or go to Army One Source.
c. It’s ok to ask for help during this housing market crisis. Information, training , and help are available. The Army cares.
d. There is information and assistance available to Soldiers, Families, and Civilians facing mortgage, financial, or rental challenges. Commanders, CSMs, Housing Services offices, ACS, and other agencies have the information.
e. The Army is committed to giving Soldiers and Families a quality of life commensurate with their sacrifice; this includes providing information, tra ining, and assistance for those living off base and faced with a housing crisis.
f. From on post legal services, training, private and public programs, to web based information, help during the housing market crisis is available. The Army cares and is committed to helping improve the quality of life for Soldiers, Families, and Civilians living on or off post.
g. The Army National Guard has a population of Active Guard Reserve (AGRs) that are under T10, Active status. This assistance is also available to them. Reserve Component Soldiers including AGRs are encouraged and seek assistance through Army One Source.
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