Notice to Participants, Press Release for the 1993 Bilderberg Conference

The following document is part of a series of Bilderberg documents obtained from academic institutions, diplomatic libraries and legal archives spanning a large portion of the group's history.

NOTICE TO PARTICIPANTS Vouliagmeni, Greece April 22-25, 1993

Page Count: 8 pages
Date: April 1993
Originating Organization: Bilderberg Group
File Type: pdf
File Size: 285,104 bytes
File Hash (SHA-256): 2960915A3C4841697CEA916A4D92543BCF715E6B9D5BD80DAEFF36E9469E51D6

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Participants attend in a private capacity, irrespective of their official position.

Participants are expected to stay through the entire conference and to join in all of the conference programme (which begins Thursday before d_inrter)

The meetings do not formulate policies or reach ·conclusions, and no resolutions are submitted for discussion or vote.

The sole purpose of the debate is to have an exchange of views about the issues on the agenda, from which participants are free to draw their own conclusions.

Fruitful discussions are enhanced by an atmosphere of mutual trust in which participants can express themselves freely. All discussions are therefore private and off-the-record;
the press is excluded from the meetings.

A list of participants and the agenda will be made available to the press the day the conference ends.

Participants are expected not to give interviews to the press during the meeting. A point which should be strictly adhered to in contacts with the news media, is that no attribution should be made to individual participants of what was discussed during the meeting.

The report of the conference includes the names of all participants and opinions are summarized; speakers are not referred to by name. This report is circulated only to participants, former participants of the Bilderberg Meetings and sponsors.

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