- 8 pages
- October 8, 2014
1. Purpose. Provide notice to the Joint Force on the minimal required training and force health protection procedures for Service Members deploying to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) affected areas.
1. The Tier I minimally required training for all deploying Service Members includes:
a. Basic disease process, transmission and symptoms
b. Avoidance awareness of treatment and population centers
c. Avoidance of persons with an EVD contact
d. EVD symptom recognition
e. Contact decontamination
f. Adherence to safe encounter distances
g. Instruction on proper hand washing
h. Use of approved food and water sources
i. Donning and removal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
j. Procedures on responding to a breech in PPE
k. Daily symptom and temperature screening1. Training on indications and use of readily available equipment: 2 sets of impermeable gloves, 2 hand sanitizers, face shields/eye protection
2. The Tier II Training for personnel required to interact with the local populace includes:
a. Tier 1 Training and equipment plus the following:
(1) Training on non-lethal methods with those providing Force Protection
(2) Training on indications and use of readily available protective suits3. The Tier III Training for personnel assigned to supporting medical units or expected to handle exposed remains includes:
a. Tier I Training plus Tier II Training and equipment plus the following:
(1) Training in clinical care, out~reak epidemiology, control measures and safety within an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU)
(2) Cleaning and disinfection procedures training
(3) Psychological support training for patients and staff training in full PPE in provision of care, patient or body transport
(4) Training in waste disposal
(5) Response to a breech in PPE
(6) Training on indications and use of equipment: impermeable suit, boots, heavy apron, face shield and surgical gloves over surgical scrubs, with no jewelry
(7) Training on proper use of air-purifying respirators used during aerosol generating procedures or suspicion of airborne droplet spread diseases such as tuberculosis
4. Tier IV Training required for Ebola Testing Laboratory Workers must adhere to U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) Biolevel 3 protocols.
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