The following manual is part of a series of “limited release” DoD doctrine publications that are not released to the public.
- 118 pages
- September 17, 2012
1. Purpose. This manual provides guidance to Joint Staff, Service (including Service intelligence centers and reserve components), Combatant Command (CCMD), and Combat Support Agency (CSA) personnel for conducting collaborative intelligence planning (IP) primarily in support of Combatant Commander (CCDR) campaign plans, contingency plans, and orders. These planning efforts are directed by reference p, reference h, and other planning directives, such as those that may be published during Crisis Action Planning (CAP). This manual describes the procedures to be applied in the development of a variety of IP products, to include the production, coordination, approval, and implementation of National Intelligence Support Plans (NISP).
2. IP Intent. As the intelligence component of the Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) system, IP procedures are applied during deliberate planning for campaign and contingency plans and crisis action planning. IP is a methodology for coordinating and integrating all available Defense Intelligence Enterprise capabilities to meet CCDR intelligence requirements. It ensures that prioritized intelligence support is aligned with CCDR objectives for each phase of the operation. The IP process also identifies Defense Intelligence Enterprise knowledge gaps and intelligence capability shortfalls and develops mitigation strategies where possible. Identified knowledge gaps and capability shortfalls also inform a variety of processes and products within the Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) and, in collaboration with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the development of Unifying Intelligence Strategies (UIS).
1. Authority. The requirement for the IP process in support of top priority plans is established in reference p and amplified in reference h. Reference p directs CCMDs to conduct IP to support top priority campaign and contingency plans. The results of this planning will be formalized in intelligence annexes (Annex B) to CCMD plans, Joint Intelligence Posture Assessments, and, when applicable, National Intelligence Support Plans (NISP). Reference k specifies NISP development requirements. For emerging problem sets not addressed in the biennial JSCP, intelligence planning requirements may be incorporated into subsequent planning directives such as CJCS Warning Orders (WARNORD) and Planning Orders (PLANORD) issued during CAP.
2. IP Overview
a. IP Guiding Principles
(1) IP efforts are focused in support of CCMD plans as prioritized in reference h, with supplemental instructions published in reference k, or other planning directives issued subsequent to reference h.
(2) Intelligence requirements developed during IP are directly linked to the objectives of the supported plan, prioritized, and narrowly defined to support the CCDR’s decisions.
(3) IP levels of effort and required products mirror the level of detail and purpose of the plan they support.
(4) The IP process is focused on meeting the supported CCDR’s requirements.
(5) IP optimizes the employment of Defense Intelligence resources to support plan development and to support the continuous execution and assessment of activities and joint operations.b. IP Levels of Effort and Products Required. Figure 1 depicts how the intelligence planning level of effort varies to mirror the level of detail and purpose of the supported plan. Contingency plans are developed to identify potential responses to anticipated crises. Campaign plans are developed to prevent crisis maturation, achieve GEF-directed end states, and inform steadystate resource allocation decisions. IAW the NISP development requirements specified in reference k, the IPSG will determine appropriate NISP development levels of detail.
3. IP Output
a. Major outputs of the IP process are listed below:
(1) Intelligence Estimates and Assessments
(a) DIA-produced intelligence assessments.
(b) CCMD-produced Intelligence Estimates.(2) CCMD-developed Annex B
(a) CCMD-identified intelligence priorities.
(b) Production Requirements Matrix (PRMx).
(c) Collection Requirements Matrix (CRMx).
(d) Concept of Collection Operations.(3) Defense Intelligence Enterprise supporting plans
(a) National Intelligence Support Plan.
(b) Functional Support Plans.(4) Annual Joint Intelligence Posture Assessment
(a) Annual production supportability estimates.
(b) Annual collection supportability estimates.b. Intelligence Estimates and Assessments
(1) Dynamic Threat Assessment. The DTA is a Defense Intelligence strategic assessment developed by DIA’s Directorate for Analysis (DIA/DI) that identifies the capabilities and intentions of adversaries for each JSCP-directed top priority plan, except Theater Campaign Plans (TCPs). CCDRs and CCMD planning staffs use the DTA to inform Mission Analysis during Strategic Guidance. To support Plan Assessment, DIA analysts update DTAs periodically or as changes to the strategic environment are identified. CCDRs will consider the most likely and/or most dangerous enemy courses of action (COAs) from the range of scenarios and associated confidence level reflected in the DTA. The version of the DTA used will be cited in Annex B. CCDRs who deviate from the DIA validated or produced baseline will brief departures during IPRs.
(2) Theater Intelligence Assessment. DIA/DI will produce a TIA for each TCP. The TIA is a Defense Intelligence, theater-wide strategic assessment scoped in accordance with the actors of concern as defined by reference p, with particular emphasis on how these actors are affected by the strategic environment. DIA/DI will coordinate with the Geographic CCMDs to determine the specific content and production timeline to inform TCP revisions.
(3) Intelligence Estimate. In accordance with reference w, CCMD analysts are responsible for performing Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE) to inform CCMD joint operation planning. Results of the JIPOE process may be disseminated in a variety of tailored products, culminating with the production of an intelligence estimate. An intelligence estimate is the appraisal, expressed in writing or orally, of available intelligence relating to a specific situation or condition with a view to determining the COAs open to the enemy or adversary and the order of probability of their adoption. It is generated as one of the functional staff estimates used to inform the Commander’s Estimate.
c. Annex B. CCMD J-2s lead development of Annex B. Annex B is the intelligence annex to a plan or order that includes the Intelligence Estimate, establishes intelligence priorities, assigns intelligence tasks, requests support from higher echelons, describes the concept of intelligence operations, and specifies intelligence procedures. The format and guidance for Annex B is contained in reference n. Although use of the formats in reference n is mandatory, additional appendices can be added to Annex B if circumstances warrant. (Upon approval and publication, the formats contained in reference n will be superseded by those in reference x).
d. CCMD Identified Intelligence Priorities. IP efforts are intended to satisfy the intelligence requirements prioritized by the CCDR. For campaign plans, the relative priority of steady-state intelligence requirements is determined following the evaluation of the intelligence requirements across all simultaneous planning efforts and ongoing operations. For contingency plans, anticipated prioritized intelligence requirements are further refined into either production requirements or collection requirements. To facilitate planning for the employment of available Defense Intelligence resources, anticipated production and collection requirements are compiled and further prioritized on a PRMx or CRMx, respectively. Appendix 1 to Annex B will identify intelligence priorities by phase. Figure 2 depicts a sample task execution hierarchy, links to operational objectives and assessment Measures of Effectiveness (MOE), and their association to the PRMx and CRMx.
(1) The PRMx (identified in reference b as the Intelligence Task List) is an analytic planning worksheet that identifies focused all-source analysis and production requirements to support all phases of the plan. It is organized into a two-tier hierarchy of prioritized analytic tasks and subtasks required to satisfy the CCDR’s intelligence requirements. Tasks are derived from Essential Elements of Information (EEI) and linked to assessment MOE. On the other hand, analytic subtasks are the constituent elements of the task, which, when taken together, define the tasks’ scope and content. Subtasks are based on the need to evaluate the various indicators associated with EEIs and assessment MOE. Although the PRMx can be used to manage the Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC) internal analytic efforts for plans not requiring NISPs, the primary purpose of the PRMx is to facilitate the development of a federated production plan through the NISP process. Based on the responsibilities outlined in reference w, the resulting production plan should reflect the appropriate division of labor between the analytic resources assigned to CCMD JIOC and the broader Defense Intelligence Enterprise. The PRMx detailing the CCMD’s analytic capabilities identified in the J-2 Staff Estimate is the starting point for developing a federated production plan.
(2) The CRMx is a collection planning worksheet that is used to compile anticipated collection requirements and capabilities. The CRMx links intelligence requirements, (to include Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR)), their associated information requirements (to include EEI), related indicators, and Specific Information Requirements (SIR), to the collection capabilities that are best suited to satisfy the anticipated collection task. The CRMx is intended to facilitate the development of integrated collection strategies against priority collection targets and to optimize the employment of collection assets under combatant command (command authority) (COCOM) and requested national-level collection resources. The CRMx and CCMD collection capabilities included on the J-2 Staff Estimate lay the initial foundation for integrated collection plans. As the plan matures during follow-on Plan Assessment cycles, supporting all-source production centers may contribute to the spiral development and maintenance of the CRMx through the generation of additional collection requirements.
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