The following instruction is part of a series of “limited release” DoD doctrine publications that are not released to the public.
Instruction O-5240.24: Counterintelligence (CI) Activities Supporting Research, Development, and Acquisition (RDA)
- 32 pages
- For Official Use Only
- June 8, 2011
1. MISSION. The CI mission in RDA informs the DoD Components and supporting CDCs of foreign collection threats and detects FIE targeting of defense-related technology. The CI support enables RDA program personnel to implement countermeasures and enables CI to develop activities that negate, counter, penetrate, or exploit an FIE.
2. (U//FOUO) ACTIVITIES SUPPORTING THE USD(AT&L). Upon notification from the USD(AT&L) that emerging, enabling, or disruptive technology associated with critical capabilities prescribed by the Secretary of Defense annual planning and programming guidance was selected, the Director, DCHC:
a. (U//FOUO) In collaboration with the science and technical intelligence elements of the IC, and DoD technology subject matter experts, conduct all-source analysis with the objective of determining foreign interest in and requirements for the defense-related technology associated with a capability (e.g., the critical foreign military need).
b. (U//FOUO) Provide analytical outcomes (e.g., assessments, reports, operational support packages) indicating critical foreign military needs and FIE targeting of this technology to the USD(AT&L) and, in conjunction with the USD(AT&L), determine requirements for CI activities up to and including OFCO and coordinate OFCO in accordance with Reference (t).
3. CI ACTIVITIES SUPPORTING RDA. CI activities supporting RDA:
a. Are based upon providing supported RDA programs with CI functional services in accordance with DoDI 5240.16, DoDI 5240.05, DoDI 5240.06, and DoDI O-5240.21 (References (w), (x), (y), and (z)). These activities may include:
(1) CI activities in cyberspace in accordance with DoDI S-5240.23 (Reference (aa)).
(2) CI collection in accordance with DoDI S-5420.17 (Reference (ab)).
(3) CI investigations in accordance with DoDI 5240.04 (Reference (ac)).
(4) (U//FOUO) OFCO in support of DoD Component RDA programs in accordance with Reference (t).
b. Specific CI activities include:
(1) Providing foreign collection threat information to assist RDA program personnel during the process to identify CPI and assisting in development of threat-based countermeasures implemented by a PPP.
(2) Conducting liaison with the FBI, the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations, and other federal and state law enforcement agencies to exchange information regarding FIE activity and foreign collection threats to RDA.
(3) Participating in installation-level, program-level, or facility-level threat working groups to inform participants of foreign collections threats to RDA activities.
(4) Informing personnel at supported RDA programs, foreign military sales (FMS) programs, and facilities on the foreign technical surveillance collection threat in accordance with Reference (x).
(5) Coordinating with security managers, intelligence, and information assurance personnel to aid in threat identification and the establishment of countermeasures designed to detect and mitigate foreign and international terrorist cyber-associated threats to RDA programs and activities.
(6) Reviewing unsolicited requests for information to determine if defense-related technology is targeted by a FIE.
(7) Reviewing RDA-affiliated documents, program protection plans, and Intelligence Information Reports to assist in developing threat awareness training and requesting analytical support.
(8) Evaluating individual and organizational awareness of foreign collection threats to determine vulnerabilities to FIE collection, assessing the effectiveness of existing countermeasures, and assisting RDA security personnel develop new countermeasures.
(9) Providing foreign collection threat assessments, advisories, or related IC analytical products to supported RDT&E facilities, RDA programs with CPI, CDCs, and for use in constructing threat awareness training.
(10) Assisting program, company, or CDC security personnel to assess threats from visits, assignments, and employment of foreign nationals.
(11) Conducting threat awareness training for all supported RDA programs and conducting debriefings as necessary. In addition to the requirements of Reference (y), threat awareness training in RDA shall:
(a) Inform DoD personnel that information indicating defense-related technology was improperly diverted into a foreign military system is reportable in accordance with DoDI C-5205.01 (Reference (ad)).
(b) Focus on personnel who have: knowledge and access to CPI; process freedom of information act requests or requests for patent and copyright information; award contracts, grants or other contractual instruments; are involved in marketing, product sales, or exports of defense-related technology; participate in symposiums; or travel in official or non-official capacity to countries or locations where the risk from foreign intelligence-related activity is likely.
(c) Support the DoD foreign visit program, including, but not limited to DoD personnel who participate in a DPEP, serve as a liaison officer, are involved in a cooperative program or other international assignment program, or serve as a host for a foreign visitor or foreign assignee. DoD personnel assigned outside the United States for periods in excess of 30 days shall, as appropriate, be debriefed upon completion of the assignment.
c. CI activities supporting RDA are documented in the CISP as described in Appendix 2 of this enclosure.
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