Operation Headquarters, Potsdam
- 16 pages
- Restreint UE (Restricted EU)
- October 21, 2007
Gender Advisor will support, facilitate and monitor the implementation of UNSCR 1325/2000 and a Genderperspective in EUFOR RD CONGO.
Human Rights
Operational effectiveness
- Gender activities/Gender work
- Observations
- Planning
- Direction and Guidance on Gender Issues
- Weekly Genderreport
- Monthly statistics and information on female participants in EUFOR RD CONGO
- Soldiers card with a Genderpart including regulations of SEA (Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Security briefing
Gender activities/Gender work :
- Genderbriefing appx 300 persons in OHQ and FHQ
- 20 Gender Focal Points in almost all units and branches in theatre
- Supporting the Gender Focal Points in implementing Gender in the different branches and Units
- Overview on relevant Womens organisations
- Meetings with womens organisations for information and impact
- Meetings with womens organisations to show European Union support
- Meeting with highranked female officers in FARDC
- Collecting information on womens- and gender situation in DRC
GENDERSITUATION Democratic Republic of Congo
- Violations of the right of life, liberty and physical integrity are ongoing
- SEA (Sexual Exploitation and Abuse)
- Gendered insecurity
- Women are victims AND actors
- Women have a GREAT impact on peoples „hearts and minds“
- Under-representation of women in decision-making
- Lack of“ gender perspective in the DDR process
- Women have to have permission from the husband to work
- Women are „head of family“ in 52 % of families in DRC
- Highest maternity mortality in Africa
- Many tribes are „matriarchates“
- Most important to a woman is to marry and have many children
- „Forced“ prostitution
- Etc.
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